A smart trick in Whatsapp lets you email a group of friends at once without creating a new group chat.

The little-known Broadcast feature includes sending the same message to multiple contacts, which takes just a few seconds to set up.

According to the newspaper "The Sun," this trick is the best alternative to group talks, when you try to tell friends some information quickly.

For example, users may want to advertise some news, such as engagement or birth, to many individuals at once. Streaming lists are a great way to avoid creating too many chat groups.

If you're using an iPhone, just open the app and tap the Broadcast Lists option - an icon found under the Chats icon.

Next, click New Menu at the bottom, and select a few contacts that you want to talk to in group regularly.

Once you're done, you can click the menu and send a unified message to everyone, where they will receive separate messages.

For Android users, go to the Whatsapp chat screen, click More Options, then "New Broadcast" and press the + icon to choose recipients from the contact list. Click Create to have a new list of Broadcast recipients.