It seems that you can't write about beards. First, because it is frivolous . With the amount of suffering beings that suffer out there and with the various threats that hang over the homeland, the journalist cannot grant himself any frivolous recreation. It has to hurt or outrage something in every line you write. Like Pablo Iglesias when he was always sorry and with a frown as if he had forbidden himself to smile while there was a long-term unemployed, an unfaithful mess, a king without guillotining, a pool to conquer.

Nor can you write about beards because they have reversed a feminist argument and it turns out that I remarried Casado and a little less that I look at his ass if I propose to you the game of raising the anecdote of his beard attempt to category, which is probably due only to summer neglect: a beard like a bullfighter in winter, still sketched, without packaging, without character, and therefore without the right to staff or scepter, not even to Harley. With these limitations and grandiloquencies, taking ourselves so seriously as to always be predisposed to feel offended, we will end up destroying a traditional genre of the column, which repairs in the least, like those urban chronicles of Jorge Berlanga that began with the way of floating of an olive in a Martini. We all know what a great column Threshold would have done just by seeing Casado trying to get a beard. Trying, I insist, like rookie submarines who asked the captain for permission to leave a first beard that reduced the distance with veterans. Married will want to look through the periscope and say torpedo outside with more pint of captain and sea lion. Of these one day appears with a patch in one eye.

My usual barber told me that the kids are now asking for Ragnar Lodbrok's beard. There are people "p'a tó". But, in politics, the beard changed meaning, it no longer identifies the famous corduroy jacket and Trotskyist glasses of which there are still some unconscious copies of their own extinction. Vox has put the beard of morrión, the beards that Bernal saw exposed in the pyramids of Tenochtitlán, almost put to dry, once sacrificed the Spanish captives. I don't know what character Casado is looking for, Ragnar or Alvarado, but I should try again next summer . That beard is not going well, it does not curdle.

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  • Egan Bernal
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Vox
  • Columnists
  • Pablo Casado

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