Among the organizers of the conference were the Swedish Children's Book Institute and several universities. The cultural news visited the conference to find out if children and youth literature are good at interpreting contemporary times. Yes, say several of the children's book researchers we talked to.

Among others, Björn Sundmark, professor of literature at Malmö University, who believes that this is a genre that can quickly capture changes in society. A few years ago many books were published that reflected the refugee situation, today it is about climate, sexuality and health.

- You can think of Lisa Bjärbo's book Inside my head I am happy. It is a book that describes panic anxiety and such situations. A Swedish school day. Topics and situations that I think everyone can recognize, ”says Björn Sundmark.

Björn Sundmark also mentions Home at Harald Henriksson by Uje Brandelius and Clara Dackenberg, a book that addresses child poverty and class.

Vanessa Joosen: "The twist on the political"

On the conference speaker list were academics from most countries. Belgian professor Vanessa Joosen was there and she believes that children and youth books inevitably reflect society. It deals with climate issues, the refugee crisis and racism.

- In many countries we see a twist to the political. Both in books from Europe and those imported from, for example, the United States. A big hit in many European countries is the book The hate u give by Angie Thomas. A book that addresses racism and violence against black people in the United States, it was a bestseller.