Sixty-three people were killed and 182 injured in a massive bomb attack on a wedding party in western Kabul on Saturday, authorities and a medical source said.

"The explosion took place in a wedding hall west of Kabul," Interior Ministry spokesman Nusrat Rahimi told reporters.

"I was in the women's pavilion when I heard a huge explosion in the men's pavilion," said Mohammad Farhaq, who was among the guests.
"Everyone went out running, screaming and crying. The smoke filled the hall reserved for men and almost everyone was killed or wounded. Two hours have passed since the bombing and ambulance crews are still exhuming bodies from inside."
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

"This explosion is a clear sign that the terrorists do not want to see the Afghans express their joy," government spokesman Firoz Bashary said. "You will not be able to force them into submission by killing them."
Afghan weddings are large, often numbering in the hundreds and sometimes thousands, and are held in huge halls where men are usually separated from women and children.

The Taliban and ISIS have repeatedly targeted weddings, as these are easy targets because of the minimum security precautions they take.