The avalanche of political reactions generated by Isabel Díaz Ayuso's announcement to undertake a historic tax reduction in the Community of Madrid can help to understand the media campaign of harassment of the new president of Madrid. Some barons of the PSOE, especially the Valencian Ximo Puig , have accused Díaz Ayuso of wanting to turn Madrid into a "tax haven", to the point of asking for something unusual in a socialist president who owes his power to the sovereigns of Compromís : that the The State recovers, in line with what Vox requires, some fiscal powers, specifically the management of estate taxes, inheritance and donations. That is, Puig is willing to relinquish part of its autonomous powers so as not to recognize that the accusations to the Community of Madrid to practice a sort of insolvency dumping taking advantage of the "capital effect", which would not have other autonomous communities, conceals not only the evidence that socialist policies of fiscal pressure on citizens are counterproductive, but the inability to manage their own resources.

The PSOE cannot claim that the communities in the hands of the PP apply their fiscal policy of harassment to workers and companies to sustain an expansive public spending system. If the Madrid people have been voting for almost a quarter of a century for some reason, it is because they have benefited in all this time from a moderate taxation that has generated new jobs and has guaranteed economic growth while maintaining very High levels in Education, Health and Transportation . Because it's not just about lowering taxes, in reality, all regional presidents could do it. What distinguishes the Community of Madrid is that the presidencies of Ruiz-Gallardón , Esperanza Aguirre and Cristina Cifuentes , through a determined effort to invest in infrastructure and improve services, have managed to attract foreign investors and numerous companies, making Madrid the most prosperous of the Spanish autonomies. It is not surprising, therefore, that Díaz Ayuso wants to follow the path of his predecessors and that in Andalusia, since the formation of a PP-Cs government, they have begun to apply the same liberal-cut recipes, capable of creating employment, Maintain services and boost the region economically.

It is true, as Puig has recalled, that the autonomous financing law has been waiting for an in-depth reform for years, but it should not be forgotten that Madrid is the one that contributes most to territorial solidarity policies , without this having obliged to cut spending in services and that these are more efficient than in other places, maintaining, in addition, a debt with respect to the GDP of the lowest in Spain, only behind the autonomies with its own fiscal regime.

In the Autonomous Communities where he has governed, the right center has shown that his speech is not "fiscal demagogy," as Puig states, but that there is an alternative model to the fiscal voracity of the left , which goes through not harassing citizens with taxes. and entrepreneurs to guarantee a free, social and market system.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madrid's community
  • PSOE
  • Ximo Puig
  • Vox
  • PP
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Esperanza Aguirre
  • Cristina Cifuentes
  • Commitment
  • Andalusia
  • Editorial
  • Opinion

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