I follow with extreme interest the statements of the future president of the Community of Madrid. Mine is an expectant loyalty to each of his interviews. This woman, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, never disappoints . The interview is a devastating genre for mediocrity. When it exists it deploys it fiercely and there is no gotelé that conceals the stand. In summer I accept almost everything, including the gaseous repertoire of this right / right policy that refers to Isabel la Católica (very fine choice, throws miles). Mental summer is another way of being in the world, capable of reducing everything to an infraleve psychic condition.

It should not forget that any politician always is at our expense. That's why in some I stop extremely, enjoying. Although depending on a citizen of certain human models increases the restlessness . (And this time I don't say it just for Vox garments). Driving the Community of Madrid safe and sound until the weekend is a high-risk trade if the driver says things like the ones I read to each interview. I mean: words that add nothing to nothing. We live weak times for certain strong positions.

Then there is the alleged default of the IBI for five years , the little things that bring it closer to the plot of the Punic (bag corruption), the mamoneo of the floors, the possible treatment of favor in the beach bars of the PP ... The usual manure . But of that, in the absence of explanations, the judges will be in charge. What fascinates me (within the limits of the Criminal Code) is the helium of some of his phrases that change our voice by reading even quiet ones: "We are going to fight the populists and the nationalists." In the Community of Madrid there is nationalism to fight, but it is not exactly what this woman understands . And so everything. It is very little uplifting to take time to read or listen so as not to draw any more conclusion than the elementary: we are once again sold to the opportunists of last batch, to repulludos of balance aupados by a reata of doubtful partners. Blessed glory, who exclaim through these southern lands.

I do not remember that frivolity had such a frank step in the headquarters of the Community of Madrid (and here we have seen things that you would not believe), but since it roars unbeatable (and so uncompleted) unless it serves for a laugh. It is the only thing that can relieve so much disenchantment. Madrid was never so kilometer 0 . We will enjoy it. What a remedy

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  • Madrid
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Vox
  • Columnists

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Liberal comments No one expected

Liberal comments So much ego, so much disaster