Doctors usually advise ED patients to resort to healthy foods, certain nuts, and drinks that increase the strength of the body and reduce obesity that adversely affect sexual health in men.

Doctors advise above all, first and foremost, to give up on crispy potato chips "chips", which is a widely available food everywhere, and is within the reach of everyone for easy access.

Chips are not made from natural potatoes, but are made from a mixture of starch and flour, so the fat level is high, along with the harm of the different flavors it contains.

Chips can cause obesity and raise blood cholesterol, according to Rambler. More importantly, if a man overeat "chips", his body begins to produce female hormone, and thus begins the suffering of ED.

Experts recommend cutting back on sweets, especially those containing margarine. It causes disruption in metabolism and leads to high cholesterol and blockage of blood vessels.

The effect is caused by eating sauces like mayonnaise. Because mayonnaise is not currently made of natural substances, so it contains a high content of refined vegetable oils, vinegar and emulsions. All these substances negatively affect the health of men.

Doctors add sweetened carbonated water to these substances. Because they are high in sugar, so it can cause obesity, high cholesterol level and many diseases.