Errejón told me things that didn't fit in the interview . I asked about party discipline. "The parties build huge walls for which everything that is said outside is stupidity or conspiracy and everything that is said inside makes sense. The besieged fortress syndrome is a bad talent selection machine. Everything becomes suspicious and it measures the importance of the positions by the degree of acquiescence. That is why the PP and the PSOE did not see the outbreak of 15-M coming , which was forged since 2008 and did not explode until 2011. And that bipartisan tradition has infected the rest of the formations For that, the figure of the independent was created, to address society with people who resemble it a little more, because you have to maintain internal power, but then win votes outside. If you only have the ethics of convictions you can be a fanatic, and if you only have the responsibility you can end up being a cynical. "

I asked about the Chernobyl series . "It dismantles the false dilemma between freedom and efficiency: there are always moments of exception where some propose to suspend freedoms and concentrate the power of decision to be faster. Chernobyl shows that freedom is not just a moral concern that concerns those who have life solved, but it is the condition for the development of the best human capacities.Without freedom, the best solution no longer prevails but the most obedient.Freedom is not an abstract love , it is what allows the best ideas to prosper and not the most comfortable for power. "

I asked about Trump . "Its voters have been expelled from the biempensante America and manufacture things that are now manufactured for half the money in the other part of the world. Their uprooting is cultural and material. Trump and Le Pen warn liberalism : 'If you don't build community you , we will do it. ”And the community they build is hysterical, it is only maintained by constant war, it needs an enemy at the gates that threatens. The role played by Vox gays or gender ideology or Muslims is the of the monster that unites the rest. In that hysteria they resemble classical fascism: you must always be marching, alert against the enemy. It doesn't matter who it is or how many it is but its therapeutic function. If Europe is not a place to belong to live without fear, we will have more yellow vests . "

Eye that Errejón could lend a brain to Sanchez after 10-N.

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  • Chernobyl
  • Vox
  • PSOE
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