Nicolas Carreau puts literature in the spotlight, every day of August in The big evening newspaper, between 18h and 20h. Wednesday is the day of audio books: "Madame Bovary" by Gustave Flaubert.

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert was published in 1857 but remains incredibly modern. This novel is primarily a book on boredom. Mr. Bovary's trouble first. Charles Bovary, a boy without fantasy, without passion either. He does his job and nothing more. Then he grows up, he becomes a health officer. He has his little life but he is a little mediocre to say everything. But one day, he meets Emma Rouault, the daughter of a rich farmer that Mr. Bovary has treated. She becomes Emma Bovary. And very quickly, as expected, she too bored, she too!

A literary tour de force

So she prefers to take refuge in dreams full of head. She dreamed of the prince, creates her own adventures. But will these escapades be enough to break the monotony? Obviously, no. All of this is sublimated by Flaubert's writing. He describes his era but also the human. It's a book about boredom in which you do not get bored. A literary tour de force. And in audio book format, on Audible, we find the version read by Clémentine Célarié.