Well, I have to admit that I did not receive any important message that completely changed the course of events, as I mentioned in the first part of the article. The faltering faltering remained with us and nothing changed. "Imogi laughs," but here is what happened:

At noon, the weather was sunny and people were cheerful dancing and singing happily, like the last day of their lives! During this festive atmosphere we decided to go to Schillerstrasse, or as the Arabs call it "the Turkish Quarter", to see passersby and share their enthusiasm. There is a large cart passed by in front of us carrying dozens of people waving their hands at us, and the popular Bavarian music cracked from its amplifiers! We stayed there for a while and then headed to Marin Platz square and then to the English Garden. Until now, everything was going well, and our basic plan was to keep our card as much as possible while enjoying this atmosphere so that we would not be sleepy, as you know where our shrine is if the gentleman comes to sleep!

At 7 pm, the night fell on us and people were still in a hurry. We ran away from this diner to have dinner at the famous tarbush restaurant in the Turkish neighborhood, and we counted the last euro left for us! And then we went to the amusement park to spend enjoyable times and to occupy ourselves until the morning!

At midnight, the hotel employee apologized that he could not keep our bags in the hotel. We went back there exhausted, holding on to the last remaining energy atom. We took our bags and headed to the main train station, Hauptbahnhof, Luggage storage. Then we returned to the amusement park, where the whole city meets at this hour, I found the place became insecure, violence began to increase, this nose broken after a quarrel, and the land was stained with blood, and that lurks and spoils everyone without knowledge, suggested that my friend to walk Hwina Until we get out safely and get back to the train station.

At 2 am, the main train station, Starbucks, my head is heavier than a mountain, I can not carry it from the table to talk to my friend. If I drink fifty double espresso, I try to get tired, and in a desperate attempt to take the arms of the coffee shop back and forth, "I said to my friend, and then immediately went to the corner of the cupboards. There I found that the floor was fairly clean and the place was quiet. I opened the backpack I was carrying on the floor and lay down, Then put the bag under my head, ah what a feeling, I have sunk into a beautiful deep sleep, as well as my friend did, but Hihat That would last a long time.

At 6:30 am, I awoke from my sleep like a panic from the sound of the cupboards that were opening and closing with a strong premeditation by the female employee, as if she were deliberately doing this to wake us up. I shook the dust off my clothes and went to the public baths to wash. Then we changed our clothes. We had six hours left on the date of the return plane, so we decided to visit the charming palace of Nummemberg, to walk like a mallock in its yards and gardens, as if we were not homeless homeless just a short time ago!


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