As the newspaper notes, the test was originally part of a research paper published in 2005 by a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Shane Frederick.

The new test includes the following questions:

1. The bat and ball add up to $ 1.10. How much does a ball cost, if a bit is more expensive than it by $ 1?

2. Five textile factory machines produce five items in five minutes. How long will it take 100 cars to make 100 things?

3. Water lilies grow on the surface of the lake. Every day their number doubles. It is known that water lilies will completely cover the entire surface of the lake in 48 days. How many days do they need to cover half of the lake?

In May 2017, Rajgauri Pawar, a 12-year-old girl of Indian origin, scored 162 points during a test that determines IQ. As noted, this figure is more than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, whose intelligence level is estimated at 160 points.