In the face of bites, everyone has his methods. And for many of them ... it does not work. There are tips that have proven themselves.

Every week-end of the summer, in the magazine of the health, Europe 1 is interested in the little sores of the holidays. On the menu this week: how to deal with bites of all kinds? Against attacks of jellyfish, wasps or mosquitoes, everyone has his tricks. But not all are really effective ...

Find these tips, and many more, Sunday from 10am to 11am, in Your Health Wellness Magazine, presented by Mélanie Gomez, on Europe 1

What to do for jellyfish stings?

"There is this myth that says that in the face of a sting jellyfish, you have to pee on it," relayed a vacationer at the microphone of Europe 1.

But for the doctor Jimmy Mohamed, chronicler in Europe 1 and author of Waiting for the doctor ... (Flammarion), this method "has no interest and may even lead to superinfection".

The first thing to do with a jellyfish sting is to rinse, but rather with sea water, or salt water. "If you rinse with fresh water or with a bottle of water, you risk bursting the stinging fragments and it can make things worse," says the GP. And to add: "What can be used is to cover with sand, it will dry out, and then with a card, a bank card or postcard for example, we will scratch and remove the small stinging nets".

With a lighter, a hair dryer (do not hesitate to ask the help desk if they have one) or a cigarette, you can also approach the heat source of your wound, it may help to disintegrate the venom.

And above all we do not forget: a jellyfish, even dead, should, as much as possible, not be touched.

What to do with wasp stings and bees?

"I put white vinegar, it does not sting after," says another vacationer at Europe 1.

For Dr. Jimmy Mohamed, this can actually be useful. But he does not advise doing so. "It can be either vinegar or bicarbonate.The problem is that it depends on the sting.It can be acid or alkaline.When you do not know, better not put anything," said the generalist.

Another mistake not to commit: to rub. "By rubbing, we burst the sting and the venom will go" in your skin, says the doctor. To evacuate the venom, opt instead for a venom pump, which you will find in pharmacies for ten euros.

You can, again, help you with a credit card to remove the sting. And to disinfect, use an antiseptic rather than vinegar, so.

Finally, it is important to know that for an adult (who is not allergic), beyond 20 stings, it is strongly recommended to go to the emergency room. For a child, it is 5, even 3 or 4 depending on the area where he was stung. In any case, above three stings on a child, it is advisable to call, at least , the 115 to ask for advice. And if possible go to emergencies.

What to do for mosquito bites?

"When we get bitten by a mosquito, we pass lemongrass, always," says a last vacationer.

Again, according to our doctor, this is not very effective. However, "a soothing cream can really relieve, especially small children who sometimes scratch with nails a little dirty, which can lead to superinfection." Get a cream containing corticosteroids, asking your pharmacist for advice.

Last tip: the deodorant. "Or an alcoholic bandage is better than nothing, it can soothe" the feeling of irritation, concludes Jimmy Mohammed.