On Thursday, July 11, the TNT-PREMIER streaming service hosted the premiere of the comedy series directed by Andrey Dzhunkovsky “BIKHEPI”. In terms of content, the series promises to be something average between the American clinic “Clinic” (“Scrubs”) and the melodrama “Anatomy of Passion” (“Grey's Anatomy”), adjusted for the fact that the action takes place in Moscow.

The television show was produced by Anton Schukin, Anton Zaitsev and Artem Loginov, who had previously worked together on such successful projects as Sweet Life, the Eighties and Fizruk. Irina Arkadieva, previously also involved in the creation of "Sweet Life", acted as a scriptwriter and creative producer of "BIKHEPI".

The series begins with the fact that the young doctor Arkady (Shamil Khamatov) is forced to return from the United States to Russia with his wife Shura (Marina Vasilyeva) and his young son.

Upon arrival in Moscow, the family is met by an old friend of Arkady - Eugene (Alexander Pal), who helps a friend to get a job in an elite metropolitan clinic. Eugene himself is a typical representative of the “golden youth”. His father owns the very hospital where Arkady got a job, which allows him not to deny himself anything and lead a rather idle lifestyle.

Most of the screen time is devoted to the life of Arkady and Eugene. The first one is a leader aimed at career and self-realization, and the second is a wealthy slacker spoiled by female attention, dreaming of great love.

While Arkady plunges into the world of intrigue of the metropolitan clinic, and Yevgeny uses all her charm to seduce another girl, the employee of the same hospital Oksana (Maria Shalaeva) alone brings up two young children and tries to arrange her female happiness.

A separate line is devoted to Shura. She initially opposed the move, as she had her own business in the USA. But, faithful to her husband, she followed him to Russia and is now trying to acclimatize in unusual conditions.

  • Shot from the series "BIKHEPI"
  • © kinopoisk.ru

The images of the main characters are simple and clear; there are no complicated relationships and psychological games in the series. For example, Evgen's motives are rather banal: he leads a double game, trying to meet simultaneously with two girls. But all his tricks at the same time do not cause much rejection, because even the chosen one of Evgeni does not differ in his sincerity in relations, pursuing his goals, which he does not even guess.

From the script "BIKHEPPI" you should not expect any unexpected turns or development of the characters of the main characters. It is just interesting to watch what is happening on the screen, to follow the characters' on-screen life, although at the same time you can guess at the bottom of this or that storyline.

In the picture came such an cast that he himself can hold the attention of the audience, regardless of the script. For lovers of light comedy it will be easy to spend an evening in such a company.

At the game of actors and their charisma, the whole comedic component of the series is mainly held. In this regard, some witty dialogues or funny episodes should not be expected from this tape. The humor in it is rather banal, and in some places it looks altogether vulgar that many viewers will not like it.

Alexander Pal admitted at the premiere that the characters shown in the tape are similar to his friends, calling the “BHEPPI” a kind of “cut” of the generation.

The characters of the film have different social status, plans for the future, but one thing unites them - the absence of a feeling of happiness. They are in constant search, but they cannot understand what exactly they lack.

At the same time, it is impossible to say that the heroes somehow especially reflect on this score. They rather prefer to live by inertia. Is it infantile? Maybe. The director of the tape Andrei Dzhunkovsky admits that he himself is like this:

“I am as infantile as some characters. It seems to me that our whole generation is more infantile than the previous ones. This is a close story to me. ”