“Chernobyl” is an incredible project. Interesting and scary, it makes a completely overwhelming impression. How to prepare for a role in this series?

- To start a good read the script. Then you start to dive into the story, learn the details. A lot of books have been written on this subject that can be read.

Since I play a real person, the details of his biography can be found on the Internet. Sometimes in such cases there is a chance to find video and audio recordings with his participation. All this comes in handy.

- You play the Russian nuclear physicist, who fell into the thick of the monstrous Chernobyl disaster. In preparation for the role you had to delve into the intricacies of nuclear physics? Can you explain what a “fusion of the core of a nuclear reactor” is?

- I can explain what happened in this particular case, as well as explain the most basic concepts relating to the operation of a nuclear reactor. But only because screenwriter Craig Mazin figured out everything and set it out so that the actor could understand. And if the actor understood everything, then the rest and even more so.

To play a role, I must be aware of what concepts I have in mind and what the words I pronounce mean. Yes, I can say, I had to go through an accelerated course in nuclear physics, but I would not call myself an expert.

- The series with documentary accuracy describes the catastrophe and shows the reaction of people: scientists and government officials who tried to secure their position as much as possible. How does the nature of man appear in such circumstances?

- This is a very interesting question. According to research, from a certain moment, institutions that exist for quite a long time cease to focus on their immediate task and begin to strive only for self-preservation.

  • Jared harris

The people who ran the reactor were entrusted with certain expectations. The fact is that work in the nuclear field, at nuclear power plants, was considered incredibly prestigious. If you made a mistake, you were fired or transferred to a less important position.

And so people sought to do their job well. However, the regime in which they lived was prone to denying certain things. It was believed that some events in the USSR simply could not happen.

Let's say a disaster of this magnitude. You can also often hear that there was no crime in the Soviet Union at all. Government processes there were not transparent.

- It’s hard to imagine how serious the consequences would be if the reactor melted and radiation got into the river, and then into the whole water system. Europe could become uninhabitable?

- Eastern Europe - for sure. Much of it is contaminated with radiation so far. By the way, if I am not mistaken, the infection persists in the fifth part of the territory of Belarus.

- And what about the series think in Russia?

- There was a slightly strange situation. For example, in the Moscow Times newspaper, they responded very flatteringly. Appreciation was also given in many Ukrainian mass media, where, in fact, the accident occurred. However, Russian politicians expressed disapproval, referring to the fact that they insult the Soviet Union in the series. - RT ). Strange thing, because it is assumed that these are two completely different countries.

Rumor has it that Russia plans to make a series about this accident, in which they will place the blame on the CIA. The situation is a bit strange. I can’t understand why they were offended by the series in Russia, because it’s just as if the current South African government was offended because of statements made by the leadership of the country of apartheid. In modern Russia, the power is democratic, that is, nothing connects it with the Soviet Union.

- It has become fashionable to visit Chernobyl to take a photo for Instagram. This is, most likely, recklessly - due to radiation contamination?

- Of course. Besides the fact that in all this there is something repulsive, there are areas with dangerously high levels of radiation. Metal, if I am not mistaken, easily absorbs radiation and saves it longer. So, sit on a swing or inadvertently lean against the wall of an abandoned bus ... In general, perhaps this is still not the best place for photo shoots.

“Your father is legendary actor Richard Harris.” Since childhood you have been familiar with the atmosphere of Hollywood and cinema. Did you like it? From a young age you wanted to follow in the footsteps of your father?

- No, I was a very shy child. Yes, we were not familiar with the atmosphere of Hollywood, as you put it. The father has always divided the family and work. As I recall, I only had the opportunity to visit him on the set twice.

It was in Malta. The film "Death among icebergs." But for the most part he did not confuse these two aspects of his life. I think he just didn’t want it to somehow influence us, turn our heads. He tried to give his children the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding their future career. Unfortunately, none of us helped.

- And when you decided to become an actor, he supported you?

“Not at first.” I became interested in acting when I entered Duke University. Mom, after seeing several productions with my participation, said to her father: “You should definitely see how he plays! He is doing great! ”But his father replied:“ Of course you think so. You are his mother! ”And she:“ No, he's really good. ” But the father still did not agree.

  • © Frame from the series "Mad Men" (2007)

In the summer after graduation, I decided to stay at the university to play in one production. And then he came to see my play, as well as the film in which I had starred earlier. My father was going to say to me: “Throw this thing, go to the directors!”, And then he saw me on stage. I still clearly remember how he laughed for the first time then.

I managed to laugh him literally a couple of minutes after the start of the show. It was so nice! We met after the performance, and from his face I realized that he was really excited. He told me: “Wow! You really have a talent! ”I think he was so excited because we had a point of contact, something new that could be talked about.

For me, this has become another school. I learned a lot from him, including by watching him tell stories. I saw how he changes them depending on the listener. For example, you tell someone something and notice that some part especially touches a person. Then you start to embellish it. Do you understand? I watched him do it, and studied.

- You took part in many great projects, take at least "Mad Men" or "Crown", where you flashed as King George VI. Do you have a favorite role?

- Not. To the question, what is my favorite role, I always answer: “Next.” But if we talk about a character whom I would not refuse to play again, this is Ulysses Grant. I would like to dive deeper into his story, to study it better.

- The director with whom you want to work?

- Paul Thomas Anderson.

- The strangest encounter with a fan?

- Once while taking a picture I was taken by the ears of a hare ...

- Which technology seems incomprehensible to you?

- Nuclear physics. In fact, I have to admit, most technologies are baffling me. I’m a little luddit (so called participants in the spontaneous protests of the first quarter of the XIX century against the introduction of cars during the industrial revolution in England. - RT ).

- Have you mastered the smartphone well? Are you keeping a Twitter page?

- I used to use only a push-button telephone, but my wife convinced me to switch to a smartphone. In fact, thanks to her, I finally entered our era and started a blog on Twitter.

But in general, all these modern things are very sophisticated and take a lot of time. When there is a telephone, a computer and an unlimited choice of television content, there is simply no time left for the usual life. I still try not to break away from the real world.

- Who would you like to switch places for a day?

- I admire all my life naturalist David Attenborough. I am not sure about exchanging places, but I definitely would like to spend the day in his company and go somewhere with him. He is one of those people with whom you can discover something from an entirely new side even during a typical walk through the city park.

He explains the relationship in nature, how everything interacts with each other and how people participate in these processes.

- What things left in the past, you do not have enough?

- I love old dial phones.

- What should pay more attention in our time?

- Climate change and our environmental impact. Our generation cannot boast of exemplary handling of natural resources, and in the near future there are no special expectations in this regard.

This is a very serious problem and one of the reasons for such an acute public reaction to the Chernobyl series. It was created not to read moralizing. But it describes a specific event, and you do not have to strain yourself to compare it with what is happening in our time.

- A question from a Facebook user: “What is the most exciting thing about the acting profession?”

- Fear. I like it when it's hard. When you do not know if you can. For example, I read the script, and if I have already worked with a similar one, then it is boring. But if I read a well-written script and do not know how to cope with the role, it becomes interesting to me. All this adrenaline, fear, challenge to yourself: “How will I play it?” If you are scared, then it’s rather a plus.

- Another question from netizens : Tell us about your role in the movie “Morbius”. What other comic character would you like to play? ”

- I can not talk about the "Morbius". The Marvel film company has a drone that flies after you and opens fire if you let it through ... I can only say that Morbius continues the line of movies about villains from the Spider-Man universe.

What comic character would I like to play? I have always been a fan of "Swamp Creature", this plot seemed to me an excellent basis for the movie, but the series was closed.

There is also such a polukiborg character - a half-man named Detlock. I always liked him. I probably would have played it. Yes. And I really like Rorschach from the Guardians.

- Question from Twitter: “What was the toughest and most ruthless critical review of your game and how did you take it?” How do you handle criticism in the film industry? ”

“Oh dear ... This is a very funny story.” I remember the first audition here in America, in a kind of summer theater. I then studied at Duke University and decided to try to get on the list of the troupe.

  • © Shot from the TV series “Crown” (2016)

After listening to you give a sheet, which lists the criteria for which the assessment was conducted. Among other things, there was a point "Charisma". And I said: "Lost on the way to the stage." I saved this leaflet. I keep all the horrible reviews because they motivate me.

Negative criticism is remembered. Good reviews are forgotten, but the worst scatter forever remain with you.

The first full-fledged production in which I took part was a play by Agatha Christie at Duke University. I got a very small role. Later, the university newspaper published a review of the play. And there was a fragment about accents. The article said: “In general, the emphasis was very convincing, with the exception of Jared Harris, whose British accent goes beyond the limits of plausibility.”

“Did they find your accent fake?”

- They thought that I was depicting him, and he seemed to them not natural enough. Too British.

- Which of the characters you played you like the most ...

- It is hard to say.

- ... and what's inside the cigarettes that actors have to smoke on the set?

- Ordinary cigarettes on the set of smoking is prohibited. We are given herbal. But unlike the ordinary, they very quickly go out. That is why sometimes we see that a person does this on the screen (imitates pulling on a cigarette) , because if you stop actively pulling on for 10-15 seconds, the cigarette goes out.

- Question from a Twitter user: “ Which roles do you prefer: real people or fictional characters?”

- In this regard, I have no preferences. In each case, there are difficulties. But when you play a real person, you can find answers to many questions that you usually ask yourself when preparing for a role. These answers are on the surface: how a person looks and speaks, moves and gestures, how he keeps himself in public. All this can be found.

Nevertheless, the process still remains creative: real events are rethought, because this is not a documentary film. Therefore, the actors need to connect the imagination and immerse themselves in the atmosphere and life of their heroes. So this is always a creative process.

Watch the full interview at RTD.