The presence of yellow vests at the ferry terminal in Cherbourg (Channel), annoys the president of the port of commerce who fears economic consequences.

"It's a blockade," says Dominique Louzeau, president of the commercial port of Cherbourg. For nearly two weeks, Cherbourg's Yellow Vests regularly organize dams in front of the ferry terminal, at the arrival and departure times of the ferries. "They finally understood that we must let individuals, but they do not let the heavyweights," denounces the Chamber of Commerce.

So far, the carriers have not really messed up their routes, but the boss of the port fears that they now decide to avoid the Cotentin. "They will divert their flow to Ouistreham, Le Havre or Roscoff. They will adapt on the coming days. The risk is there. "

"It's going to overflow"

The port's professionals have tried to dialogue with the protesters, citing consequences on jobs, but the yellow vests continue to target trucks.

The officials of the Port of Cherbourg association report receiving verbal threats. Dominique Louzeau fears the accident. "Something's going to happen, it's going to overflow. The drivers will want to go out and take the road. Lassitude is also noticeable on the side of the police, who denounce the presence of "troublemakers" , among yellow vests that "fail to remove them" .