This Saturday, December 1, 2018, more than 230 yellow vests, especially from Avranches and its surroundings, gathered in front of the tourist information point to reach Mont-Saint-Michel on foot.

By mid-week, the rally had been announced and proposed by the Yellow Vests Avranches and this Saturday, December 1, 2018, there are more than 200 to have responded.

At 2 pm, everyone found themselves in front of the tourist information point, where the shuttles serving the Mont-Saint-Michel depart. And it's not the few drops of rain that will slow down their motivation. Hoodies or hats on the head and of course yellow vest on the shoulders, they walk towards the Rock, all in a peaceful and good-natured atmosphere.

Start of a yellow walk to Mont-Saint-Michel #YellowYellow #easy #MontSaintMichel

- Marie-Axelle Richard (@MarieAxelleRic) December 1, 2018

The call of Avranches yellow jackets attracted other demonstrators from the Channel, including from Coutances, Saint-Lô or Granville.

The motto for this gathering is clear: "We do not block shuttle or vehicle and we find ourselves at the foot of the Mount for a family photo." Ducey's spokesman jokingly added, "And if there are Asian tourists, the information may be able to go back to Japan! "

By 3.30 pm, the Yellow Vests had arrived at the foot of Mont-Saint-Michel. | West France

As a symbol of their anger, the 230 Yellow Vests present at the foot of Mont-Saint-Michel formed an SOS. | West France

Around 3.30 pm, once gathered at the foot of Mont-Saint-Michel, the 230 yellow vests formed an SOS, symbol of their claims.