The yellow vests of Avranches have just started a snail operation on the A84 between the areas of Cromel and Montcreton.

It was decided at the last minute. The yellow vests of Avranches, divided between the roundabouts of Montcreton and Cromel, began a snail operation between these two points by passing the A84.

At the moment in Avranches #manche about fifty car makes a snail operation on the A84. They leave Moncreton to Cromel (exit Pontaubault) and make the round trip. Big caps. @OuestFrance @ OuestFrance50 #giletsjaunes

- El gourari Narjisse (@Narjisse_E) November 19, 2018

About fifty cars followed the movement. Yellow vests, however, remained around the roundabouts to maintain the filter dams.

At 6:15 pm, they arrived at Cromel and were preparing to leave in the other direction towards Montcreton, still going through the A84.