"At one time we can not govern against the people," warned Francois Bayrou Friday against the government's firmness towards yellow vests.

We must not "add expenses to the charges" of the French. François Bayrou, in turn, raises his voice. "At one time we can not rule against the people," said the boss of the MoDem on Friday against the government's firmness towards yellow vests.

"I do not believe in simple solutions that solve everything," however, added the majority's partner on the trail of a moratorium that he had recently raised regarding the new fuel tax hike planned for the 1st January.

Remains that "for the moment," the responses by the government to the anger of the demonstrators are "probably insufficient answers or are not yet found," added Bayrou.

"Do not add charges to charges"

He also said his "feeling" that "one must take into account, when one is the government, the rulers, an issue that is the acceptability of the decisions one makes" .

"There is a question: at one point, we can not govern against the people and from this point of view we do not have to add expenses to the charges," he insisted. .

But "do not count on me to add controversy or internal divisions to all these things; there are enough, " he said, questioned about the firmness of the government that intends to stay the course.