Does any of your friends' children run screaming, throwing food on the floor, or hitting another child, but your friend does not care if there's no problem. Do you have to tell him that you think the child's behavior is unacceptable?

There is no clear answer to yes or no, says German psychologist Joanna Staus. It always depends on the situation. But she also adds: "If a child's behavior affects friendship, you have to say something."

However, you must keep in mind that parents' reaction may be emotional when their children are criticized.

One of the available alternatives is to confront the child. "If the child is acting with you absurdly, you can respond directly to this behavior," says Staus. "You do not interfere with the issue of fatherhood."

If parents think so, they may encourage them to intervene in the future if the child behaves similarly again.

However, if you feel that you should talk to your parents, the way you communicate is a key factor. "Sometimes it's easier to ask questions," she says. Explaining that this can stimulate this friend to think about the situation.

For example, if the child is always noisy, you can ask your friend, "How do you manage to keep calm with all this noise"

The most important thing is to be as neutral as possible, without expecting a specific answer. This allows the other party to express its own point of view. "Your friend can see the situation quite differently," says Steus.

It is also important that any comments are constructive. Your discontent should not last long.

If you do not find any of these solutions, you may want to reconsider friendship. "In certain situations in life, you know who your true friends are," she says.