Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do "The trick of the question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Topic 1: Euthanasia: How to end this taboo?

Facebook question: "End of life: In your opinion, should the law on euthanasia and assisted suicide be amended?

His case has become the symbol of the end-of-life debate in France. The Council of State has validated, Wednesday, the cessation of treatment Vincent Lambert, in a vegetative state since 2008. His parents announced an appeal before the European Court of Human Rights. While the 12th Week of mobilization for the right to die with dignity is taking place (from 23 to 30 April 2019), how is France evolving on this delicate subject? What are the arguments of supporters and opponents of assisted suicide, euthanasia? How are our European neighbors positioned?

- Jean-luc Roméro-Michel , President of the ADMD (Association for the right to die with dignity)

His last book: "Open letter to Brigitte Macron" by Michalon editions (2018)

- Jean-Louis Touraine , Professor of medicine, LREM deputy of the Rhône, president of the study group on the end of life at the National Assembly, rapporteur of the information mission on the revision of the law on bioethics

- Jean-Marie Gomas , Doctor, coordinator of the palliative care unit at the Sainte-Périne Hospital in Paris, founder of the French Society for Accompaniment and Palliative Care.