The Ebola virus continues to spread in eastern Congo, according to recent figures from the World Health Organization (WHO). Of particular concern is the fact that newborns and infants are among the newcomers. Because it is comparatively rare that this age group is infected with the virus.

In the week of 14 and 20 November, there were 36 new confirmed Ebola cases, writes the WHO. Among the sufferers were therefore seven babies or toddlers aged up to two years. Six cases concerned children between the ages of two and 17 and a pregnant woman became infected.

So far, relatively few cases are known in which babies are suffering from Ebola - probably because they are less likely to come into contact with the virus. Experts suggest that infected parents can transmit the pathogen via close body contact or breast milk. In addition, mothers can pass the virus on at birth. For older children, illnesses are more common, such as when a family member is ill.

Several cases among medical helpers

The Ebola virus is transmitted via bodily fluids such as sweat, vomit or blood. The more the disease has progressed in a patient, the greater the risk that it will pass on the deadly virus. The body fluids of the deceased are particularly infectious.


Helper at an Ebola exercise

In addition to the cases among the children, the WHO also documented five new infections among medical helpers during the week of 14 to 20 November. The numbers make it clear how difficult it is to stem the virus. Ebola can only be stopped if all patients are isolated at an early stage and their contact persons are observed in order to seal them off at the first signs of the disease.

Precarious security situation: Blue helmets killed

A particular challenge in combating the current outbreak is the precarious security situation in the area. Various militias are active in the area, fighting for mineral resources, among other things. Most recently, on November 18, an attack was launched that killed seven UN peacekeepers and eleven Congolese soldiers.

It is also dangerous that the affected region borders on three countries. In the immediate vicinity are Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan. The risk of spreading the disease to another country is high, the WHO writes. Uganda has already started a vaccination campaign for medical staff in the border region.

The first cases of the current outbreak were known at the beginning of August. Since then, helpers have documented nearly 400 diseases, more than 200 of those affected have died so far. This makes the epidemic the hardest ever documented in the Congo.