News from the island

  • After the promises of Bashir .. Continued protests and international concern of the number of victims
  • Troubled days for Tramp .. The conflict with Congress and the disruption of the government and bleeding stock market
  • Blood bags for Buddhists only .. Another plight of the Rohingya Muslims
  • Trump is ready to visit Turkey at the invitation of Erdogan
  • Said that it is political .. 7 years prison for Nawaz Sharif corruption cases

The Book of Jalil contains a great science, and a fascinating statement, through verses, science and sermons, judgments and costs, orders and prohibitions, eloquence and eloquence, Vahhart minds, and asked him Oloa Kabbab, is the book accurate science, or the book of Hidayat and Rashad ?! And the right of them to wonder, what the Koran of science exceeded all the books, and the guidance of the guidance and Rashad did not see in another book.

It is the creation of man, the heavens, the earth, the planets, the sun, the moon, the mountains, the seas, the trees, the birds, the rain, the plant and the animal, the wind, the night and the day, the ears and the eyes and the hearts. From looking at the hadeeth of the Qur'aan on all of these blessings, he described it as a book of precise knowledge. It is considered virtues, leaving vices, purity, kindness, good say, honoring parents, integrity of the chest, love and brotherhood, temperance, blindness, tolerance, harmlessness, amnesty, neglect and arrogance, generosity and generosity, sincerity and purity. From looking at all this he described it as a book of guidance and Rashad has been ratified.

It is true that this book is a book of accurate science and guidance and Rashad at the same time, and who describes the Koran only a book of science or book Hidayat and Rashad did not do justice to the Koran. But the Qur'an is an immortal miracle that transcends the fact that it is a book of knowledge or even a book of guidance. It is the message of Allah to the people and the minds will remain for a long time, unable to describe the Qur'an. It is an inexhaustible person and a sea that does not dry its waters. If it was a book of knowledge enough people read it once or twice, and scattered among thousands of books, but not so it is renewed as if the spirit of life among the people and shine and resort to people whenever darkened.

The Qur'an is not only a book of different sciences, but an immortal miracle. It is a holiday to be understood by all the educated and the illiterate, the foreigner and the Arab, who has dazzled the Arabs by the age of the magician.

Some members of the Islamic currents may try to look into the Qur'an for every fact or incident they see. This is a decrease in the amount of the Qur'an, if they find that they have increased their faith in the Qur'aan, or not. The errors of some scientists when they tried to explain some miracles scientifically - to name but a few - have interpreted "bird Ababil" as a smallpox microbes and this miracle comes out of being an extraordinary divine miracle to something normal.

It is not correct to say: We want to bring miracles closer to the minds, so that we have the faith of the men of knowledge, because in this approximation, in addition to being scientifically impossible in some cases, it reduces the miracle, and reverses its wisdom and wisdom. If they resorted to such an interpretation, are they found an explanation for the inability of the fire to burn Ibrahim - peace be upon him - ?! Why did the properties of the known fire, which is burning, cease? How did the fire stand and the rain did not extinguish it, and the wind did not scatter it ?! And other miracles that science can not explain.

This confirms that the Koran is not only a book of different sciences, but a miracle and the immortality of the holiday to be understood by all educated and illiterate, foreign and Arab, has dazzled the ancient Arabs of the son of the magician, and dazzled the world recently with his knowledge of the previous had descended fourteen centuries, and affected by everyone who hears it, or absent some meanings, so we emphasize that scientific facts in the Qur'an are not required for itself , but to refer to God , the Creator of the universe "Snrehm Our horizons and in themselves until it is clear to them that they not stop the right Brabeck that as Something martyr. "

In summary, the scientific miracle in the Qur'an is a fact, but it must be placed in its context, which is a sign of the Creator, and that the Quran understands that it is a miracle of God that remains for the Hour, forever and ever.