Last week's article dealt with a bit of philosophy, how it exists in our daily lives and that each of us has his own view and philosophy of the different things. But the biggest challenge in philosophy is to understand three basic terms whose understanding may solve many of our problems in communicating and understanding each other, Of course, it will benefit many students, researchers, teachers and everyone working in the field of education. The first concept is called "Ontology" or Ontology. I do not think there is an Arabic translation of the word. The second concept is called "Epistemology" or Epistemology. The third concept is methodology or methodology. Although That these terms seem difficult and strange, but we all apply and are affected by every day without notice, and even clarify these concepts to imagine the following story.

- Treasure is knowledge,

And "Ontology"


Knowledge and what it is

And their existence.

Somewhere in a faraway island there is a treasure that is very precious and priceless but no one knows exactly the nature of the treasure or its value or any kind of value, whether material value or moral or the two, and there are several ways to access this treasure to the seeker to walk one Some of these methods have advantages and disadvantages and they also have determinants, in addition to the cost element and the availability of the necessary resources, and there is also a certain period of time that can The treasure hunters travel through them, though they are not kept awake Next year. Therefore, there is a long journey in which many decisions are taken with uncertainties and the lack of information. The treasure is not specifically known and we are not quite sure of its nature and value. There are different parties with different interests and each party sees the subject from its perspective and agenda.

In this simple example, treasure is knowledge, and the nature of knowledge is the so-called "ontology" that deals with the nature, nature and existence of knowledge, and all that is related to its existence, whereas "epistemology" is the way to access knowledge, and how do we know that we know? For example, if we came to the treasure and found it from a metal unknown to us previously, how do we know that precious metal and how to extract it and how to deal with it and benefit? Whether the metal remains valuable or less valuable or more, the methodology is the ways and means to access the treasure (knowledge) and how to collect information about this treasure and choose the way to travel overseas and overcome the risks and deal with the challenges.

Alaa_Garad @

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