The death of the Egyptian artist Ismael Mahmoud after a health disorder was exposed on Sunday, at the age of 69 years, and the lion in his hometown of Alexandria.

"It is very disturbing news on the morning, the death of my friend and friend of the father, the artist Ismail Mahmud, God forgive him and accept him with the righteous," said writer Reem Khairi Shalabi, the daughter of the late writer Khairi Shalabi, through her Facebook account.

Ismail Mahmoud was born in Alexandria in January 1950. He studied law and then joined the Institute of Dramatic Arts. He presented a number of small roles at the beginning of his artistic career.

Among the most prominent works in which the late participated in the series "Nights of the dream" where he presented the character of "Zaher", also participated in the series "disobedience" and "Umm Kulthum" and "Zezenia", while the second part of the series "community" is the latest work that participates Where the late two years ago.