A study found that more than one case in every 10 deaths can be linked to hallucinations for a long time in the chair as is the case in office work.

The researchers noted that sitting more than six hours a day on the chair is linked to 69,000 deaths per year.

It increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, but the extent of its effect has not been detected.

"We need to move our bodies constantly to maintain health," said lead author of the study from Queen's University Belfast, Leon Heron.

After examining the UK data, it was found that the loss of this number of deaths cost £ 700 million in 2016.

The figures show that 30% of adults in England sit for at least six hours a week, up to 37% on weekends.

But Professor Naveed Sattar of the University of Glasgow said it was difficult to sit long, as long as people are active at other times.

"People should not worry about sitting at work if that's what they have to do," he said.