News from the island

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It may happen that you wake up a day and feel you are tired, tired, unable to do anything and unable to meet the challenges of a new day, overloaded with a boozer that almost cuts your back, you are sad for no apparent reason and it makes you worry unintelligibly until you indulge in sleep again, It is due to your emotional waste.

Tension, dissatisfaction and failure to get rid of feelings of anger and frustration and all the psychological interactions that we experience every day result in emotional or moral waste, and it accumulates and swells to occupy more space to fill the mind by Vtkblah and is unable to meet any new challenges, negative feelings absorb our energy to be rid of them If we do not notice and try to discharge it and sweep it, we become beings without energy, unable to do anything. Are emotional or psychological waste is the same as the risk of organic waste, which the body is responsible for discharge so as not to poison or damage it, and if the methods of discharge of the body of the organic wastes known and specific mechanisms, how the soul to get rid of the waste?

Try to forget

Memory is charged with different memories, some of which are painful and just a flash generates a pain that turns into suffering when repeated, is a vicious circle that attracts us in the journey of teh and rotation aimlessly hurt us, but causes a kind of addiction as the behavior of a butterfly drawn to a fire will burn, and to get out of this maze has to Trying to occupy the mind with activities such as reading, watching a movie, practicing sports or engaging in intellectual games.

Cross what makes you confused

The negative emotions accumulate and grow like snowballs to sink into our own holes, like a thread that does not know a party. The story begins with secrecy and the lack of disclosure of our machines may be ashamed of the others or the complacency of their outcomes and consequences. We may retain some of the secrets that give us our privacy but we can not keep everything inside us and must be ventilated and discharge in order to avoid the explosion, it must be taken out before you as if in front of a mirror: talk, so to a loyal friend and if not find the most burdensome What tired you in words on paper and cover Let the wind blow or let your voice unleash in the open and let it scream or cry, it is important to fade into space.

Stop turning for a moment

It is strange that we do not make an effort to know our bodies as much as we want, we do not listen to them and do not pay attention to understand its language. The body, this wonderful and wonderful system, would not have been lost or lost without our crude interference

In our time of delirium, anxiety, and tension, we became alert, driven, expendable, expendable beings. We lost the pleasure and pleasure of real life. Despite all the glamorous and counterfeit physical pleasures, our mind was implicated in a leisurely fit to meet our biological needs. It gave up its top toxic functions, disturbed our sleep, Our bodies are exhausted, exhausted from every outlet, and turned into a worn-out breach of vacant, lost lives lost in their connection at the time of total moral collapse. Try to stop turning for a moment and try to empty your mind of any ideas for a moment, that moment is able to carry you some positive ideas to erase some of the negative in you.

Change your surrounding environment from time to time

We often have an environment dominated by negative ideas. Some people may be negative to the degree of absorption of what is left of you in the positive as well as some places in the cities of noise and fog is not excluded in a cafe or a club or a workplace where the red tape and bureaucracy. Spend time in a quiet place, be alone or with someone looking for tranquility, enjoy the sea, and converse with you and breathe in the breeze at the foot of a mountain and give your mind a temporary leave and prevent yourself from swallowing the usual thing mill, travel if possible and do not let your feelings travel with you.

Know your body

It is strange that we do not make an effort to know our bodies to the extent required, we do not listen to them and do not pay attention to understand the language. The body, this marvelous and wonderful system, would not have fallen apart without our crude interventions and practices which are contrary to natural instincts and calamities, which we classify as necessities, even though we did not ask them and we imposed them forcibly and arbitrarily. The body did not ask for a diet that makes the cholesterol ratios rise until they accumulate and sink in the vessels causing the angina pectoris and the blockage of the arteries, as long as the need for pain, warning and not answered.

We can set goals for ourselves in the near and long term. Achieving goals, however simple, restore confidence to the self and give it the impetus to achieve other goals

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The body did not ask for nicotine or alcohol or drugs and we are forced to put it down and addicted to addiction, which is not responsible for pornography or deviant behavior is not accused in all situations, but the victim who bears the damage and consequences. Know your body to know its real requirements and know that your body language tried to express, the appropriate appearance and features of the face and how to stand and sit and walk and the movement of the hands are messages with content and the free face smiling gives positive signals to others make them echo echo positive signals back to you positively.

know yourself

And keep those or questions, know yourself: Who are you? where are you? how are you? Existential questions that need to be asked may not find answers to them, but go into them and solve some of the talismans may avoid you a lot of negative emotions vague, which is the result of evading us to ask difficult questions to sink in our depths and turn into a black hole that devours all our positive energy and turns us into blocks of negative . Try to know yourself, it is a way to know your Lord and his knowledge extended to you card is not implemented.

To cope with the accumulation of emotional waste so that it does not turn into a hindrance and an attractive force to the back, energy-absorbing, you have to adjust your expectations so that they are realistic and verifiable. Try to deal with the moment of living with more focus to ensure greater opportunities for success. We can set short- and long-term goals for ourselves. Achieving goals, however simple, restores confidence to the self and gives it the impetus to achieve other more difficult goals. You can criticize yourself without being oppressed or falling into her skin, to try to respect her and to accept your past no matter how bitter, useless to pass it and let it pass. DONC is, try to break the routine and do things differently, be proactive and to ascertain your ability to act and add and helped others Oujaek Whatever you can remove some of their pains and better for he actually improved to yourself.

And always remember that no matter how hard it is, solutions are there and the next one can be better. " (1) We will explain to you your chest (1), and we will put you away from you and your husband (2), who broke your back (3) and lifted up your memory for you (4) 8) "(Surat Al-Sharh).