"The apocalypse must come," a voice whispers. "Everything hangs together" another. Pictures of the broken towers of a nuclear power plant, hooded combat troops in the woods, people in protective suits. Welcome to the world of "Dark".

According to Netflix, the first German Netflix series had become one of the most viewed non-English-language programs on the platform after launching in December 2017. Exact figures did not announce the company as usual. To the actors of the first season such as Louis Hoffmann and Oliver Masucci encounter in the new episodes, among others Winfried Glatzeder and Sylvester Groth.

Watch the trailer for the second season of "Dark" exclusively before the official release:

Showrunners are also in the sequel again Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, from them also comes the script. In the second season, Jonas is one of the main characters in the future and desperately trying to get back to the year 2020. His friends Martha, Magnus and Franziska meanwhile are busy bringing light into the darkness of mysterious events in their hometown Winden.