In 2006, Tarana Burke launched #MeToo on the MySpace platform. So she wanted to strengthen the awareness of sexual violence in society. After the abuse allegations against numerous celebrities became known in 2017, their initiative became a worldwide movement.

But with the development of the project, the women's rights activist is not at all satisfied - it is portrayed as a witch hunt against men and could be exploited for a war of the sexes.

"This is a movement for a quarter of all girls and a sixth of all boys who are sexually abused every year and who are still struggling with the injuries in adulthood," Burke told broadcaster ABC at a women's conference in Palm Springs, California. She spoke of a collective trauma. Her vision is a world without sexual violence.

I was so scared to do this @TEDTalks at this year's @TEDWomen but now it's over. Grateful for my sister @aijenpoo being present and her amazing talk as well! @MeTooMVMT

- Tarana (@ TaranaBurke) November 29, 2018

"Suddenly, a movement designed to give voice to survivors of sexual violence will be seen as a vengeful plan against men," said the 45-year-old activist, as Sky News reported. But she wanted #MeToo to be a move, not just a highlight of the story.

Many of you may not know that we established a #metooMVMTFUND this year with the process of going to grants for those who are working to support survivors or work to disrupt sexual violence. We've awarded a million in grants so far. Please consider supporting today!

- Tarana (@ TaranaBurke) November 27, 2018

But, according to Burke, the foundations of sexual violence need to be repeatedly questioned: power and privileges. "This begins with shifting our attention away from individual bad actors or reprehensible behavior on a case-by-case basis," said Burke, according to ABC, at the "TEDWomen" conference.

Instead, it must go to power differentials. It does not matter whether it concerns employees and bosses, tenants and landlords, coaches and athletes. The dynamics are similar everywhere. Also, the victims would have to be respected permanently. Although they are only listened to frequently. If they had ventured forward, they would often be vilified.