News from the island

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Babaji's game has invaded our Arab societies and this game has become the focus of modern media and people on the social networking pages and even in family meetings and in our homes. The various media did not stop promoting the exaggeration of the various rumors and stories woven about this game and its effects and they cause the deviation and the occurrence of many cases of divorce and family problems.

This game that does not differ and similar to many of the existing games and between young people and adults and children and adds nothing and does not require commitment to play and you can enter the game whenever you want and leave it whenever you want, but what happened in our societies, although true is not because of this game. Our Arab societies in general and our Palestinian society in particular are a fragile society that is not founded on sound foundations, and in which children are not raised in proper and correct ways, but are false manifestations, morals, and imported foundations, which are improperly applied, adopted and introduced into our societies without study.

The technology and its various means do not change our character or morality, but show us what we are and the right individual who grew up on a sound ethic and a sound foundation that is not affected by anything. The simple game can not make life hell. A visitor to European countries will see diversity and diversity in the entertainment and possibilities available to young people. There are children and even cannabis and some drugs are sold in small shops and are negotiable and allow them to drink alcohol and go to nightclubs and enter into different relationships, but the proportion of culture, education and creativity are high among these peoples and there are many Sponsors and writers and young people who work to achieve themselves and did not cause a game or others in their deviation and did not become a public phenomenon In contrast, find that our conservative and calling for virtue affected by their children less civilized people or variables you get them, they follow behind what is popular for what the media and what is Marketing him from their peers or influencers.

It is worth paying attention to other problems in our lives and our societies and not to stop in front of minor things, but I think that we are living in a state of denial and no longer want to recognize the mistakes and problems we suffer

Our Arab youth is not aware of the importance of their energies and has not been educated to respect their time and mind, dealing with educational materials as a duty and can not find in reading the desired and does not dwell on thinking in the future and change, although not all of them, but the largest proportion applies to these specifications. This game has become a modern street until it has come to be banned and considered in terms of religion, although there are many social phenomena and problems that weak our societies deserve attention and give it our time and shed light. But the media in our Palestinian society no longer to transfer the news and became lacking credibility and lost its link and began to turn to rumors and spreading lies to gather the greatest possible interaction and admiration of the public Facebook who is not reluctant to share any news without verifying the credibility.

Are we more sensitive than others? Are we affected more than anything? Can the game destroy a community structure and cause our collapse? If the answer is yes, the families affected as a result of a game are bound to be families based on rules that are broken. The husband who divorces his wife because of a dispute over a game must have limited thinking. This divorce would have happened if the reason for the game had been lost. Waiting to receive.

It is worth paying attention to the other problems in our lives and our societies and not to stop at the small things. But I think that we are living in a state of denial and no longer want to admit the mistakes and problems we suffer. We have focused our thinking on conspiracy theory and our virtuous societies in front of a Western attack to destroy them. We have been defeated by the evolution that has exposed our problems and the shortcomings of our societies and the idealism that has been revealed and exposed to the least challenges. We must stand before ourselves and try hard to look for the reasons behind our delay and to work to create logical solutions to our problems.