"Every day health," a nutritionist, wrote a paper in which Dr. Carney Peterson, an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, spoke of amazing new information about nine types of fruit useful to diabetics, To juices so as not to lose fiber and sugars therein, namely:

1-berries and strawberries
The berries are called super fruits, and the reason is that it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Three quarters of a cup of berries contains only 62 calories, 16 grams of carbohydrates, and strawberries do not raise blood sugar, because they contain fructose sugar. You can eat berries or strawberries with rub.

2. Cherry
One cup of cherries contains 78 calories and 19 grams of carbohydrates, which is a good choice if eaten fresh, and avoiding canned foods added to sugar, it is harmful to contain high sugars. Recent studies suggest that eating cherries may be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes by improving the body's functions in the secretion of insulin.

Peaches contain vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium, and fiber. Research shows that peach soluble fiber helps control blood sugar and increase the effectiveness of insulin response. Peach slices can be added to the milk with a sprinkle of cinnamon or ginger.

- Apricot
The fruit of apricots contains 17 calories, and 4 grams of carbohydrates. If you take four apricots and equal one serving, you get 50% of your daily vitamin A needs. Apricots contains a balanced level of sugar, and also contains a fiber that regulates the absorption of sugar.

5. Apples
Each apple contains only 77 calories and 21 grams of carbohydrates. The apple promotes insulin secretion from the pancreas, and the pectin found in the apples supports glucagonic acid, which supplies the body with insulin. Apple effectively regulates blood sugar levels.

6. Orange
Eat one orange a day, to get your daily vitamin C requirement, one orange contains 62 calories and 15 grams of carbohydrates. Orange helps maintain a blood sugar level. In addition, orange helps reduce excess weight.

Pear contains many vitamins, useful minerals such as iron, potash and calcium, and the secret of its distinction to diabetics that the proportion of sugar in a few despite the taste sweet, and the type of sugar is Fructose is suitable for diabetics.

8. Kiwi
One kiwi fruit contains 56 calories, 13 grams of carbohydrate, and rich in fiber that helps to reduce the harmful cholesterol in the body, and thus control the level of sugar in the blood. Kiwi activates nerve cells, and protects against the inflammation of the nerves that afflicts many diabetics.

9 - grapes
It has a beneficial effect on the control of blood sugar. It is a fruit packed with polyphenols, which are considered phytochemicals and may have a positive effect on the inflammation that appears at the body level with diabetes. Polyphenols in grapes also help control blood pressure levels.