A man sits behind the wheel and makes the white truck with the blue wave graphics on the sides drive slowly backwards. The video posted by the Italian fire brigade on Twitter on Sunday shows forces withdrawing the last remaining truck from the eastern remnant of Morandi Bridge.

#Genova, ieri mattina i #vigilidelfuoco hanno rimosso e condotto in zona sicura l'ultimo mezzo pesante rimasto sul #PonteMorandi pic.twitter.com/4XDRvTzJfX

- Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) 9 December 2018

Nearly four months ago, the highway bridge in Genoa collapsed, 43 people died on 14 August. Mayor and Special Commissioner for Reconstruction Marco Bucci plans to begin demolition on 15 December. According to Bucci, a new bridge should be ready by mid-2020.