A psychotherapist arrived at the best way to sleep directly at bedtime. She said she was taking a deep breath in the breath from the nose and exhale the mouth quietly with the hum for a quarter of an hour.

Hormone helps stimulate melatonin, the sleep hormone, produced in the pineal gland when the tranquilizers are available in a dark room.

Stress and stress can lead to imbalances in the body's hormones, leading to sleep disturbances, so breathing control is the key to regulating sleep by controlling the heart rate and brain function.

The hum creates deep vibration, relaxes the mind and the nervous system, helps eliminate negative emotions, and thus stimulates sleep hormone production, which is also associated with depression.

It is also recommended to massage the palate, where most people suffer from stress due to stress life, which is translated by the body through strange reactions such as pressure on the palate and toothpaste.