A 38-year-old man was taken into custody after having multiplied the phone calls to the standard of the presidency of the Republic.

A father of 38 years, domiciled in Annecy (Haute-Savoie), has to go to court in January 2019 to answer malicious calls.

For the past two years, this music teacher has indeed been making phone calls to various administrations, to pour out his anger.

He insults the operators of the Élysée

After attacking a senior official of the national police, the man has set his sights on the presidents of the Republic, Francois Hollande and Emmanuel Macron.

Monday, October 22, the Elysée standard has identified 195 calls in 24 hours, reports France Bleu Pays de Savoie . Unable to speak to the President, the Annecy has reserved his insults to the staff responsible for answering the phone.

Tired of his repeated calls, the services of the Presidency of the Republic complained about telephone harassment.

"Perfectly aware of what he was doing"

Summoned to the police station in Annecy, the father was taken into custody and admitted to making these phone calls, justifying them by his right to express himself in a democracy.

"The psychiatric report revealed that he was perfectly aware of what he was doing," according to police officers, quoted by L'Essor Savoyard .

The man did not hide his phone number, he was calling from his landline.