She raises her horse and defeats the strongest man in the world wrestling. Has a suitcase full of gold pieces and a lemonade tree. Making robbers cry, policemen desperate - and nobody tells her when to go to bed: Pippilotta Viktualia Rollgardina Schokominza Efraim's Daughter Longstocking is the greatest, most famous, most enviable girl of all time. Less enviable: Inger Nilsson, the actress of the freckled daredevil in cinema and television. Reduced to her parade role, the Swede got for decades barely offers and kept herself as a secretary over water. On Saturday, Inger Nilsson turns 60 - and has finally freed himself from the eternal "Pippi" image. During the conversation, the actress is pretty cold, but in a good mood.

one day: Good morning, Mrs Nilsson. When was the last time you were recognized and greeted with "Hello, Pippi Longstocking"?

Nilsson: Oh, that happens all the time, just the day before yesterday, on the return flight from Copenhagen to Stockholm.

one day: How is that for you?

Nilsson: It works. I just do not want to talk to any stranger person.

one day: But is not it also a compliment? As the strongest girl in the world you have - and still do - make generations of children happy.

Nilsson: Of course, that's nice of course. But it bothers to evolve, to do other things. This frightens me: Because everyone is always asking the same questions and talking to "Pippi", their faces blur, I can not recognize them.

one day: And now also a journalist wants to talk to you about "Pippi".

Nilsson: Do not worry, I can live with it (laughs) .

One day: 8000 children applied for the role of "Pippi" in 1968. Why were you taken?

Nilsson: I do not really know that either. I think in the casting, they realized that I can quickly implement what they want me to do. That I have acting talent.

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"Pippi" actress Inger Nilsson: "Annika was much braver than me"

one day: Maybe because you were like the "Pippi" character?

Nilsson: No way! I was a rather timid, shy girl from a small village called Kisa.

one day: More like "Annika"?

Nilsson: Exactly. By contrast, Maria Persson, the "Annika" actress, came from the city of Stockholm and was much bolder and more daring. Rather a "Pippi" than I ever was. We each embodied the opposite of our character.

one day: How did you prepare for the shoot? Do you read all Pippi books?

Nilsson: Oh no! We were forbidden to read the books or manuscript first. Director Olle Hellbom told us shortly before filming, what happens next, what we should do and say - that's what we did then. It was all very intuitive.

one day: Were the shootings as enjoyable as the movies? I could not walk in those huge shoes.

Nilsson: I quickly got used to the shoes, as did the red plait wig. More difficult with Mr. Nilsson: The little monkey was not as cute as he looked. He was always peeing on my shoulder and was quite aggressive. He once even bit me, I had to be very careful.

one day: Your best turning experience?

Nilsson: The many journeys. We shot about two weeks in Yugoslavia, then two weeks on the island of Barbados, where "Pippi in Taka-Tuka-land" plays.

one day: Did your parents accompany you?

Nilsson: No, that was not common at the time. Sometimes I was a little homesick. Not so much when traveling, rather when we were shooting in Sweden. The days were very long and exhausting. I had hardly left my parents' house until then - and then suddenly I was completely on my own, with completely unknown people around me.

one day: Was Astrid Lindgren often on set? She also wrote the scripts.

Nilsson: Astrid came by every now and then to visit us - she never interfered in our work. She was very happy with us and the films, had full faith in the director. Astrid was a great woman, a bit like a grandmother to me.

One day: Pippi Longstocking helped millions of girls around the world gain more courage and confidence. You too?

Nilsson: Not at all (laughs) . I was "Pippi" in front of the camera - behind it I was and remained Inger. I never felt like "Pippi", never in life!

The little Pippi Longstocking ABC

A as authority:
It's not for Pippi. Even if she tries to attend school - "plutimization" and things like that are just not fun. And she does not want to be told what she has to do and what she has to do.

B like banknotes:
On the side of her inventor Pippi is now seen on the new Swedish 20-crown notes.

C like comic:
First in the Swedish magazine "KlumpeDumpe", the adventures of Pippi Longstocking also appeared as a comic. Later, the picture stories came out in book form.

D as Thunder Karlsson:
One of the two burglars who Pippi lays the craft. In the movies, the crook is played by Hans Clarin, who died in 2005, who also lent his voice to leprechaun "Pumuckl".

E as Efraim Longstocking:
Pippi's exceptionally fat dad, captain of the oceans and king of Taka-Tuka Land.

F for Fifi Brindacier:
That's the name of Pippi Longstocking in France. In Thailand, the red-haired brat is known as Pippi Thung-taow Yaow, in Finland as Peppi Pitkätossu and in Portugal as Bibi Meia-longa. In Greece she is called Pipe Phakidomyte.

G like obedience:
Pippi obeys only himself. But even that does not always work. If she has to go to bed in the evening, she has to scold herself: "First I say it very friendly, and if I disobey, then I say it again strictly, and if I still do not want to hear, then there it's Haue. "

H like home:
The police here want to pippi Pippi, but she explains: "I already have a place in the children's home." By that she means the Villa Kunterbunt, she explains to the bewildered men: "I am a child, and this is my home, so it is a children's home."

I like Inger Nilsson:
For the Swede with the unmistakable dimples, Pippi was both curse and blessing. As a Pippi actress, Nilsson became Sweden's first child star overnight. But as an adult, she had difficulty getting other roles.

J like fair:
Here Pippi is the showdown winner with a wrestler. No wonder, after all, she is the strongest girl in the world.

K like colorful:
At Villa Kunterbunt Pippi lives alone with her horse and her monkey.

L like lemonade tree:
Stands in the garden of Pippis Villa. In his hollow interior, according to Pippi, lemonade (and sometimes chocolate) grows, which she distributes to children. The empty bottles practically wither.

M like Meerkatze:
In Lindgren's books, Pippi's monkey Mr. Nilsson is a monkey, in the movies he plays a squirrel monkey.

N like Negro King:
That's how Pippi Langstrumpf's father was called until a few years ago. Politically correct is in new editions of the books today from the South Seas King the speech, after many parents had complained about the name.

O like uncle, little one:
This is the name of Pippi's gray with the black dots, which the girl lifts with ease and which lives on the veranda of Villa Kunterbunt.

P like Prussia:
The humorless director of the children's home, which is actually called "Miss Prusselius", but is called "Prussian" by Pippi, is known from the Pippi films - but does not appear in the books.

R like marigold stockings:
Wearing Pippi on the feet - in different colors of course.

S like cream cake:
Of this Pippi can push a whole copy for breakfast. She always remembers new words like "spunk". What that is, she finds out with Thomas and Annika.

T like Taka Tuka Land:
Island in the South Sea, surrounded by the very blueest water, on which Pippi's father Efraim Longstocking is "fat white chief".

U like Ur-Pippi:
In the original version of "Pippi Longstocking", the version that Astrid Lindgren donated to her daughter Karin for her birthday, Pippi is a bit more naughty and shameless.

V like traffic circle:
This is how Pippi lies in bed: with his legs on his pillow and his head at the foot. "Are not we living in a free country?" She asks her friend Tommy wondering.

W like wiping:
It's not like Pippi would never take care of the household. She does it only in her own way. To wipe, for example, she ties two scrub brushes to her feet, pours out a bucket of water, and skids across the floor.

Z like magic pills:
"Dear little scumbag, I never want to be greeted", say Pippi, Thomas and Annika and swallow the magic pills that help them to remain children forever.

one day: After a TV series and four "Pippi" cinema films was in 1970, you disappeared.

Nilsson: I went back to school, graduated, attended drama school. And hardly got any roll offers.

one day: why?

Nilsson: Directors, producers and audiences did not want to see that I'm Inger Nilsson. A real person, an actress. And that "Pippi" is just a fiction. How stupid of them: I can not stay forever nine years old.

One day: People do not want to watch the stars of their childhood growing up. Because they do not accept their own transience?

Nilsson: That's difficult for many. When I finished acting school, I took part in a very dramatic play where I swore a lot on stage. Afterwards, a woman came to me and said, "We do not want Pippi crying and using bad words!" It would have been best if I had hung up acting. I had to fight so hard to get rid of this role.

one day: As a secretary, you kept afloat financially for many years.

Nilsson: That's over, I can live off acting. I'm very happy about it.

one day: Do you remember what you bought at the time from the "Pippi" fee?

Nilsson: Yeah. A horse.

one day: That you called "Little Uncle"?

Nilsson: But no, it was called "Maestoso".

action press

Inger Nilsson 1975: She bought a horse from the "Pippi" -Hororar

One day: You were not rich with the "Pippi" movies.

Nilsson: No, we were paid only once, there were no royalties. I do not think children should make too much money in Social Democratic Sweden, they wanted to protect us that way.

One day: Because you, but also Maria Persson as "Annika" and Pär Sundberg as "Tommy" got so little money back then, two Dutch women recently started a fundraising campaign online. How do you find that?

Nilsson: I do not belong to the generation that is familiar with this crowdfunding. My first reaction was: why? I do not need the money, I have everything I need to live. When Heleen Bosma and Marjan Tulp explained that they simply wanted recognition, I could understand them better.

one day: Almost 37,000 euros are now together. What will you do with the money?

Nilsson: That's not clear yet. For Maria Persson, this support is sure to come at the right time. She lives like Pär Sundberg in Spain, suffering from arthritis and is currently waiting for a knee operation. Therefore she can not work.

one day: Do you still see them regularly?

Nilsson: I met Maria twice in the last six months. And then we all met in the Netherlands two weeks ago to meet these two ladies from the fundraising campaign.

One day: Your agent said you had a lot to do at the moment. What are you working on?

Nilsson: I have just been in Denmark as a guest at "Mr. Skægs Hotel", a TV show for children. And now in Stockholm yesterday rehearsals for a historical comedy started, which is performed every summer in front of the Cathedral of Strängnäs. I am playing a young beauty who interacts with other women. Very funny.

one day: In Germany since 2007, we know you especially as a forensic doctor "Ewa" in the thriller series "The Commissioner and the sea". No funny role.

Nilsson: No, I never smile in the movie, that's right (laughs) . But I like "Ewa". She is a smart woman who always keeps a cool head and does a great job. We have been working as a great team for many years.

one day: Are you still getting fan mail?

Nilsson: Yes, it's incredible. Especially from Germany.

one day: Why do we Germans love the "Pippi" so much?

Nilsson: Maybe because there was no such figure in reasonable Germany before. A little girl who turns the whole world upside down. For a while, "Pippi" was even more popular than here in Sweden. The Germans have named streets and buildings after her. Insane!

One day: In 2009, you participated in the Swedish "jungle camp" version, had to eat rat and scorpion.

Nilsson: It was an adventure, definitely. But I'm an actress, there's nothing surprising. And I thought: What the hell, somewhere in the world that's definitely a specialty. Advantatter one of mygebuildsschließed workplace for two days (NPbu isolated) .

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one day: On the 4th of May you will be 60 years old. Your biggest birthday wish?

Nilsson: Health and continuing good work. I have no problem with aging. My attitude is rather: oh my god, how great, I'm here for another year.

One day: It's not easy for older women to get jobs in acting.

Nilsson: There are advantages to not being 25 anymore. I think women of my age are the best actors: we have experienced and experienced so much! That has a positive effect on our work.

one day: Could you give me a tip in the end? My daughter behaves as wild and crazy as "Pippi", combing her hair is just as unnecessary as plutiming. What would you do as a mother?

Nilsson: (giggles) Oh, as long as she does not hurt herself or anyone else - just let the girl do it. At some point she will be big and reasonable by herself.