The covid-19 pandemic has changed the way in which teachers and students connect. It has improved communication between the two parties and developed new ways of looking at online learning. 

However, there are still many things that we should talk about when it comes to distance learning. Some students might still have little to no access to virtual learning methods while others might be struggling with online homework. Keeping children’s education on point is important today, when there are obvious discrepancies between children who are coming from various backgrounds. We should be looking at ways in which we can support those who need us – and this can only be done by measuring needs and assessing learning possibilities. 

7 Techniques to Help Children Learn During Covid-19

Below you can find some of the most important ways in which we can help kids study during this challenging time. Let’s ensure that we’re acting and actually trying to change the world. 

1. Plan a studying routine 

Map out a plan that works for everybody. Establishing a routine is better, especially if you’re not completely on top of your schoolwork. Make sure you’re helping students develop a well-structured plan that they can later respect. Don’t forget to include play and reading time into their schedules and help them keep up with their routine.

Students might need flexible schedules today, so let them know that it is possible to do so. Don’t be too rigid, that won’t help them. Stick to a flexible studying routine and plan, this will only help them succeed. 

2. Have open talks with students

Encourage your students to open up to you. Ask them about their feelings but don’t be too pushy. Be there for them when they need you – be supportive, kind, and generous. Be honest, tell them how much you want to help them, and always let them know how willing you are to help. Let them know that it’s always safe to open up and talk about anything they might be feeling. Offer them your full attention and give them the security that they need. 

3. Measure results and ask questions

Develop a tracking system that works for you and your classroom. Assessing students online can be tricky, so you might have to learn how to. This is a learning curve for everyone, so don’t be shy. You could measure progress by offering formative or summative assessments online. These methods of tracking students could be used during your online lessons or right after, depending on the content needed. 

To assess student progress, you could use:

  • Online quizzes
  • Dialogue simulations
  • Online polls
  • Game-type activities
  • Peer evaluation and review
  • Essay questions
  • Forum posts
  • Online interviews, etc.

It all depends on what your goal for evaluation is, so make sure you find that out first. If you’re out of assessment ideas and need some more, you could contact one of the specialists working for and ask them for advice. Many of them are open to offering their opinion and will be able to help you in no time. Online assessments are quite hard, so getting a specialist’s opinion might be the right thing to do if you’re out of content. Don’t be shy, as I said, this is a learning curve for you too, so ask away. 

4. Take as much time as you need

Take it slowly, some students might not be prepared for such a commitment. If your goal is to reach a 50-minute-long lesson, start with 15 minutes and go up from there. Kids need time to get used to change, so here’s your time to learn how to be patient. You should combine both online and offline activities within a lesson and ensure that your students are giving their best at intertwining the two. 

5. Develop structured content

Make sure your content is well-structured. If your own lessons are not well-organized, how do you expect them to be? Show your face during the lessons and keep videos short and to the point. No student wants to hear their teacher go on for hours on a subject they might or might not be interested in.

Essay samples for students 

Some students might not be as witty as others, so you want to offer them essay samples. This way, they know exactly what the requirements are and what to expect from you. You could find examples on almost any educational topic at Make sure your students are reading the samples and coming back with questions – this should be your real goal. If they’ve got questions, it means they’re engaged, and that you’ve done your job right!

6. Don’t shy away from your feelings

Let your students know that you’re also learning and that things are not easy for you either. Be honest with them and express how you feel. Be patient with yourself and most of all, kind. 

7. Let students develop their own studying methods 

When you’re overcontrolling, you’re not helping students succeed. In fact, you’re drawing them away from wanting to achieve anything. Let them post questions and get into academic conversations with other students. Let them communicate with one another and encourage collaboration in the classroom. Some groups might click better than others, but that’s okay. That’s how they learn, so let them take control.

Wrapping Up

Some students need more help getting used to the online learning methodology. Make sure you’re there for them – teach them how to and explain everything that needs to be explained. Offer them unlimited learning resources and the possibility to study offline. If they’re unable to study at all, mail them the lessons. Do everything that needs to be done to get in touch with them and help them get through these difficult times. 

Author Bio:

Cody Dawkins is a freelance writer and student helper. He writes essays for students in need and develops content for businesses. His favorite topics are marketing, sports, and ecology. In his free time, Cody studies Japanese and works out.