Revealing the circumstances of the “betrothal of two children” and “mother’s assault” incidents in Egypt

The Egyptian Ministry of Interior has taken measures regarding two recent incidents that were circulated on social media, involving children.

The ministry said in a statement on Facebook that the security services of the Giza Security Directorate arrested a woman who appeared in a video clip accompanied by two children, and beat one of them.

And she said, "On examination, the identity of the woman was identified and it was found that she is a housewife, residing in the October Gardens Police Department, in Giza, and it was found that they are a five-year-old girl and a two-year-old child."

The statement added: "After codifying the procedures, the security services in the Giza Security Directorate were able to seize them, and by confronting them, they admitted committing the incident as indicated to discipline them."

The ministry also revealed the circumstances of what was circulated about the engagement ceremony of two children in the Hawamdiya area in Giza.

This news was very popular on the communication sites, after the people of the village in which the incident took place shared pictures accompanied by congratulations to the newlyweds.

The ministry said in its statement that the boy and girl are "aged 15" and their parents, who live at the same address in Hawamdiya, agreed to "read Al-Fatihah" for the two children, provided that the marriage takes place officially after they reach the legal age.

She added that the engagement ceremony "is nothing but the implementation of a previous promise between the parents since the birth of the two children, as they have a close neighbourhood."

Egyptian newspapers reported that the police summoned the parents of the two children, and they took a pledge to take good care of them and not to complete the marriage until they reached the legal age.