She suffers from breast cancer and needs radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Maha is unable to pay her treatment bill of 135.7 thousand dirhams

Maha - a widow - 64 years old, suffers from breast cancer, and stopped treatment a month ago due to her inability to pay the value of the treatment, which amounted to 135,769 dirhams, and appeals to someone to help her pay the amount to continue her radiological and chemotherapy.

The Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai settled the amount of its medical bill from 191,292 dirhams to 135,769 dirhams.

(Maha) tells her story to "Emirates Today", saying: "A year ago, I felt health problems, and I underwent tests at the American Hospital in Dubai, and the results showed that I suffer from breast cancer."

She added, "I underwent chemotherapy, but after a while I could not continue the treatment because I was unable to pay its cost, which led to the spread of the disease in my body, and reached the spine, and the doctor confirmed that I needed radiation therapy doses, and for my bad condition I was booked in the hospital, but my circumstances Finance did not allow for the cost of treatment.”

She indicated that her husband died 17 years ago, and she has five children, who do not work, and they have no source of income except from the help of charitable people, and one of them pays the rent for the apartment, knowing that she has a daughter who suffers from Down syndrome, and does not know what to do in light of her need for radiotherapy. chemotherapy and medicines as soon as possible.”

breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women, and it may affect men as well. Great support for awareness of the disease and funding for research have helped advance diagnosis and treatment, and survival rates for breast cancer patients have increased, due to early detection and the use of a new treatment method that takes into account Individual case, better understanding of the nature of the disease.