Hokkaido's autumn delicacy, set-net fishing for autumn salmon, is at its peak in Kushiro City.

In the Kushiro region, set-net fishing for autumn salmon has been carried out since early September, and is now at its peak.

On this day as well, at the quay of Kushiro City, a fishing boat that pulled up a fixed net set about 2 kilometers offshore returned around 9:00 am and landed silver salmon.

This year, the slightly smaller salmon were conspicuous, so the fishery officials skillfully separated the males and females and weighed them.

On this day, about 4.5 tons were landed by one boat, and females were sold at 1,195 yen per kilo before tax, and males at 488 yen, which is higher than usual.

According to Hokkaido and the Kushiro Tokachi Sea Area Fisheries Coordination Committee Secretariat, the catch in Kushiro until the 20th of last month was about 295 tons, which is about the same as in the past five years.

Kenta Matsuda, Deputy Director of the Eastern Fisheries Cooperative Division of Kushiro City, said, "It's at its peak now, but it's been sluggish since the beginning of this month, so I want it to increase a little more. I want to expect more in the future."