Hundreds of movies, old and purple, are served between May 29 and June 7 and anyone who wants can donate money to organizations working to limit the damage of the corona virus.

The We Are One Festival has no red carpets and also offers the movies for free, which is probably a reason why the major US titles shine with their absence. Yes, not only them, here are at all bad for known movie names, so given the reputable industry giants (Cannes, Venice, Tribeca ...) among the organizers, you can safely say that the supply is a little well tame.

But okay, you shouldn't see the festival in your mouth. It is instead a narrow but true global festival with a vastly diversified selection of long and short films, TV series, 360 VR experiences and not least a chance to see movie talk between big industry animals (though previously recorded) - which can almost be seen like a digital, red carpet…

Here are some potential attractions:


The only Swedish feature (as signed found) in the wide range is Bill Skarsgård, who plays the lead role in a short film (in 360 VR) about a man who volunteered in a dream experiment that goes awry.

On Transmission: Claire Denis in Conversation with Olivier Assayas

A conversation between two of French fiction's foremost filmmakers can be nothing but highly interesting.

Losing Alice

Spoken Israeli thriller series about a disillusioned female director. She is possessed by a younger woman who pulls her into a Faust-like whirlwind of age-old jealousy, jealousy and erotic outbursts. According to the sales text, but it sounds like it might be worth a look.


Cherien Dabris praised a 2009 movie about a Palestinian woman and her teenage son moving to the United States where their dreams of the future are frontal clashes with a racist reality. Dabris has also produced series such as Ramy and The L word.

Tribeca talks: Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Soderbergh

Call from the Tribeca Festival 2019 where director Soderbergh talks to the man behind one of history's foremost films, Apocalypse Now, and why he wanted to make a final cut version of it 40 years later. Geeky and wide at the same time.

Crazy World

A promising full-fledged kung fu action from Uganda about a mafia gang kidnapping children because they believe their blood can produce magical powers. This is just how you look at a festival.

The festival will start on Friday, May 29.