A father, living in the Loiret, has decided to take on a new challenge for his three children Jules, Louise and Léopold.

They suffer from a rare disease that affects their immune and neurological systems.

With his wife, they had created an association Wings for Jules and Louise, reports France 3 Center-Val-de-Loire.

The father wants to exceed the French record for the distance covered in 24 hours on an indoor rower, category 50-59 years, which represents more than 265 kilometers.

Man is used to challenges.

In 2019, he had already cycled 2,500 kilometers in 14 days in 8 European countries.

Change mentalities

“For two months I have been training five hours a day.

I did marathons and 100 kilometers just to get used to long distances, ”explains the 55-year-old.

The latter would even like to go further and approach the world record, or 295 kilometers in 24 hours.

"I'm going on it like that, it will motivate me" adds the athlete.

With this challenge, the father wants to show his three children that he is proud of their fighting spirit in the face of the disease.

He also hopes to change mentalities.

The challenge will start on September 10 at 9:30 am, at the Intersport in Tavers.

It must also be broadcast live over the Internet.


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  • Challenge

  • Sickness

  • Loiret

  • Challenge