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A study carried out by researchers at UTHealth Houston (United States), and published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, has shown that

the flu vaccine could reduce the risk

of Alzheimer's disease by 40%.

In the study, the risk of Alzheimer's incidence was compared between people over 65 years of age with and without previous vaccination against the flu.

"We found that flu vaccination in older adults reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease for several years," the experts said.

Specifically, as they have observed, the rate of Alzheimer's development was lower among those who

were vaccinated every year

against the flu.

"Future research should assess whether influenza vaccination is also associated with the rate of symptom progression in patients who already have Alzheimer's dementia," they emphasized.

The study, which comes

two years after a possible link

between the flu vaccine and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease was discovered, looked at 935,887 flu-vaccinated patients and 935,887 unvaccinated patients.

During the four-year follow-up appointments, about 5.1% of the flu-vaccinated patients were found to have developed Alzheimer's.

For their part, 8.5% of the unvaccinated patients had developed Alzheimer's disease during follow-up.

"Since there is evidence that various vaccines can protect against Alzheimer's disease, we think that

it is not a specific effect of the

flu vaccine. Instead, we think that the immune system is complex and some alterations, such as

pneumonia, they

can activate

it in a way that makes Alzheimer's disease worse," the researchers concluded.

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  • Alzheimer's

  • USA

  • Infectious diseases

  • Vaccines