A Monarchy that "integrates all Spaniards" to ensure

"the effective exercise of all their freedoms



These are the two central ideas of the

speech that Juan Carlos I delivered 45 years ago today in his proclamation as King of Spain



had died two days before.

And the monarch assumed his responsibility with a long prepared speech, very measured as the historical circumstances demanded, but in which all the keys to the political project that in just a few months he would pilot to

lead our country from the dictatorship to a full democracy were already and completely comparable to those of the environment


"Everything will depend on the first speech," he had repeated to the still Prince

Torcuato Fernández-Miranda

, your mentor.

And, indeed, his words should serve both to calm the restless power sectors of the old regime and to convey an unequivocal message of renewal and hope to the general public and to all the expectant opposition groups.

This 45th anniversary coincides with a moment of anxiety in the Casa del Rey due to the

scandals of an economic nature that point to Don Juan Carlos

and that have nothing to do with the current head of the institution, his son

Felipe VI


But it also coincides with a fierce and opportunistic campaign against the Crown on the part of the radical left in the Government and pro-independence parties.

They are actually

trying to overturn the Constitution of 78 and the current political system

, including the fundamental principle that national sovereignty is indivisible and resides in the Spanish people.

To this end, we are witnessing a worrying revisionism and falsification of our history.

That is why it is so important to combat fallacies with the reasons for incontestable facts.

In the case of Juan Carlos I, it is well established that long before the dictator died, his roadmap was clear: to lead the country towards a system of freedoms like those of any European democracy.

The Transition, which started with that key speech of 22-N, was exemplary.


the Spanish have enjoyed thanks to the Constitution of 78 the greatest period of prosperity


Today we can regret the non-exemplary behaviors of Don Juan Carlos that cast a shadow over his figure, but in no way can he be denied his very

important legacy

and his central role in the achievement of democracy.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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