Digital device utilization and reading are key to improving children's reading comprehension 7:36 on December 4

The results of the international academic achievement survey were announced, and Japanese children's reading comprehension dropped significantly from the previous time to 15th. Experts suggest that to improve reading comprehension, digital devices should be used for study and the quality and quantity of reading should be reviewed.

OECD = International Cooperation Study for Economic Co-operation and Development for 15-year-old students from the world. First year high school students in Japan had the highest level of science and mathematics results, but their reading comprehension ranks 15th, 7 Lowered the ranking.

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, one of the reasons is that Japanese children are not able to use the digital devices such as personal computers used in this survey for study compared to other OECD countries.

Others point out that another factor is the need to change the quality and quantity of reading.

In this survey, when I asked about the type of book I usually read, 54.9% of Japanese children answered “manga”, more than three times the OECD average, while “non-fiction” such as biography and reportage was 12.2. % Was below the OECD average of 20.7%.

Professor Hiroyuki Tanaka, Waseda University professor professor who is well-versed in academic achievement issues, said, “Japanese children's reading is too biased towards comics and novels compared to other countries. Reading well is the key to improving reading comprehension. "