According to a study published in the journal "Lancet Neurology", the younger the brain is subjected to high blood pressure, the greater the risk of cognitive decline from the age of 70 years.


This is the first reason for consultation with a general practitioner. Hypertension now affects at least 15 million French people. This chronic disease can cause stroke, but not only. A British study just published in the journal Lancet Neurology reveals that having too much tension in your thirties could increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

In this study, the researchers followed more than 500 volunteers all born in 1946. By the age of 30, and throughout their lives, their blood pressure was regularly measured. This follow-up showed that patients who had high blood pressure in their thirties - that is to say more than 14/9 on the device - were more likely than others to have brain diseases around 70 years of age. .

A higher risk of infarction in the "white zone"

For even the youngest, high blood pressure can quickly cause damage to the brain, especially in an area that is called the "white substance", says Professor Jacques Blacher, cardiologist at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris. "We see that those who have a slightly higher blood pressure level at the age of 36 will have more infarction of the 'white zone' 35 years later, around the age of 70, and are going to have a volume of the brain that will be reduced, "says the specialist at Europe 1." These elements are very strongly associated with cognitive decline, that is to say, to dementia and Alzheimer's disease. "

A risk, but not inevitability

However, having hypertension, even young, does not mean being sentenced to suffer from dementia later. If you treat this disease, with drugs or even with a proper diet, for example by eating less salt or losing weight, the effects on the brain decrease, and the risk of dementia returns to normal. If most of the time hypertension is not accompanied by any particular symptom, it is always useful, once in your thirties, to have your GP check your blood pressure at least once a year.