Having healthy and shiny hair is a common denominator among women, as each woman works to preserve her "crown of her head", which gives her a special beauty.

Freuden magazine reported that shiny hair could be obtained by making some slight changes to the care routine. The German magazine provided some useful advice, here are five of them:

The right shampoo

Perhaps the lack of hair shine due to the use of shampoo is wrong, given that each type of hair has individual needs, and that each shampoo has a different effect, and usually the shampoo, which helps to shine hair, contains small particles that give the hair luster and shine.

Before washing

Usually hair oil is used after washing, but there is a simple trick that helps the hair shine nicely, by placing a few drops of hair oil in the palm of the hand and rubbing the hair before washing it, after which the scalp is massaged with the oil essentially in order to stimulate the flow Blood to the scalp and hair follicles, in addition to that hair oil works to clean the roots and provide them with nutrients, as it strengthens the composition of hair, and prevents hair drying by the action of hot water.

Soft towel

Although rubbing hair aggressively causes it to dry quickly, it damages the delicate hair composition when wet, and therefore the German Journal advises to use a soft towel when drying hair after washing it.

Hair Dryer

You should not use a hair dryer immediately after washing the hair, because the heat damages sensitive hair, it is preferable to leave the washed hair for some time before drying it with a dryer, and hot air must be directed to the ends of the hair and set the dryer on a medium temperature, with the need to use means of protecting against heat.

Balanced nutrition

Hair needs many vitamins and minerals, which are mainly found in fresh vegetables and fruits, and foods that contain a high content of vitamin B, which is found in eggs, oats and cow's milk, must be increased.