
It was revealed that Harvard University's "Surrogate Expert" played a key role in the incident, which was reported to the United States on Tuesday (November 13).

Yoo Young-soo is a reporter.


The 36-year-old Mark Riddell is the one who took charge of the 'surrogate test' in the 'US Sky Castle' case.

As a graduate of Harvard University, I have been a consultant for admission to major athletic students mainly in the preparation for admission.

When Rick Singer recruited parents as a bait to ensure high scores, Liddell took a substitute test on behalf of the student.

The parents paid $ 75,000 for the surrogate test, and the total book, Rick Singer, gave away $ 10,000 to Riddell.

It 's estimated to cost $ 450,000.

The American press reported that Riddell is a "master of surrogate test" that tests his ability exclusively.

For example, you would usually get 34 or 35 points in the ACT, which is a 36-point substitution test.

[Joseph Vonavolta / FBI admissions officer: In reality, I've gotten the 'almost perfect' SAT / ACT score on behalf of students who are far from the 'perfect score'.]

Liddell also showed the elaborateness of mimicking the student's handwriting.

There were some of the best students in the United States, including Yale and Stanford.

NBC reported that not all 700 families were involved in black adultery.