中新财经1月29日电(记者 张尼)记者从国家医保局获悉,针对阿斯利康制药有限公司工作人员涉嫌篡改肿瘤患者基因检测结果骗取医保基金的情况,国家医保局基金监管司负责人表示,前期根据群众举报线索,国家医保局督促深圳市成立了医保、公安、卫生健康、市场监管等部门组成的联合专案组,对案件情况进行深入调查,犯罪嫌疑人已全部被批捕。







  On December 27, 2021, the National Medical Insurance Administration and the Ministry of Public Security jointly interviewed AstraZeneca China.

At the meeting, relevant departments introduced the investigation of the suspected insurance fraud case in Shenzhen, and put forward relevant suggestions for improvement.

The company attaches great importance to this, sincerely accepts the guidance and suggestions of the National Medical Insurance Bureau and the public security department, and will fully implement relevant requirements, further strengthen management and supervision, and continuously improve employees' awareness of laws and regulations to ensure that legal compliance is implemented to each employee. in daily work.

The company will continue to carry out targeted internal self-examination and self-correction actions to prevent any suspected violations of laws and disciplines such as insurance fraud.

At the same time, AstraZeneca China will continue to strengthen the compliance culture, compliance training system and self-inspection and self-inspection system, and strengthen supervision of business activities to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the company's business under the premise of legal compliance.

  AstraZeneca China will, as always, continue to deepen its efforts in the Chinese market, adhering to the company values ​​of "patient first" and "win-win", to provide more innovative drugs for Chinese patients.
