[Explanation] In the mountainous area of ​​northern Guangxi, cooking New Year’s Eve dinner with tea oil is a tradition of local people of all ethnic groups for thousands of years.

Near the end of the year, two seventy-year-old masters, Tang Fengzhi and Wei Yixuan, from Shanwei Village, Banlan Town, Rong'an County, Liuzhou City, were using the most primitive way to extract tea oil, consuming more than 1,500 kilograms of tea oil seeds per day.

  [Explanation] A few days ago, a reporter from China News Agency went to Shanwei Village, Banlan Town, the county to visit two oil pressing masters to learn about this unique ancient oil pressing method.

When he saw Tang Fengzhi, he was rushing to make tea oil with other oil presses.

Tang Fengzhi introduced that the ancient method of oil extraction technology emphasizes the accumulation of experience, and each process is quite sophisticated, taking into account many factors such as heat, strength, and time.

The complicated craftsmanship of the ancient method of oil extraction has not gradually disappeared with the passage of time, but has undergone continuous improvement and refining, condensing the wisdom of generations of folk craftsmen.

  [Concurrent] Tang Fengzhi, Oil Crusher, Shanwei Village, Rong'an County, Guangxi

  Now we have to pass on this set of things. This is the creation of the predecessors and their legacy. We feel very meaningful. This is a special technical craft.

  [Concurrent] Wei Yixuan, Oil Crusher, Shanwei Village, Rong'an County, Guangxi

  We all want to inherit the previous skills and give it to the young people now, and we will inherit it to them when we get older.

  [Explanation] In the ancient method of oil extraction, the tea seeds are first dried by using the hot kang, the dried tea seeds are put in a water mill and ground into tea powder, and then the steamed tea powder is put into a cake ring made of straw Make tea cakes, put them in a press for squeezing, after filtering and sedimentation and other processes, the simple and mellow tea oil can enter the tables of thousands of households.

  [Concurrent] Tang Fengzhi, Oil Crusher, Shanwei Village, Rong'an County, Guangxi

  The advantage of the ancient method of oil extraction is to keep the elements of the tea oil itself from being lost. With this traditional processing technology, the quality of the oil extracted is very good.

  [Concurrent] Wei Yixuan, Oil Crusher, Shanwei Village, Rong'an County, Guangxi

  The situation in the past is different again. The machine squeezed it out and roasted it in an iron bucket. When it was roasted, it (tea seeds) was immature and there was still a lot of water in it.

  [Explanation] Wei Yixuan told reporters that the pressing technology of various food oils is now maturing, and the ancient method of oil pressing has gradually faded out of people's vision.

But the ancient method of oil extraction is a traditional technique left by the ancestors. In every process of making tea oil, Wei Yixuan personally and carefully handled it, and passed on this thousand-year technique.

  [Explanation] The local people also praised the ancient tea oil of Laoyoufang and became its "fans". According to Zheng Suchun, a villager of Shanwei Village who came to buy tea oil, the ancient tea oil is more original and sweet. The oil extraction method is difficult to provide.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Suchun, a villager in Shanwei Village, Rong'an County, Guangxi

  The ancient press is better, and the viscosity and moisture of the press are not good enough. The ones here are better. People from all over the place come here to buy them. Many people buy them. Friends in the city find the tea oil here to be comfortable to eat.

  [Explanation] As the New Year is approaching, the ancient tea oil is becoming more and more popular. Two elderly people in their seventies have to consume more than 1,500 kilograms of tea oil per day.

The price of ancient tea oil has risen from 80 yuan per kilogram to the current 120 yuan per kilogram, still in short supply.

Tang Fengzhi also hopes that these mellow tea oils can make delicious delicacies with hometown characteristics for the locals, and let the fragrant tea oil accompany their relatives for a lively and prosperous year.

  Wang Yizhao reports from Liuzhou, Guangxi

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]