
Finale at "The Masked Singer".

Even Matthias Opdenhövel, who otherwise moderates the “This is not a vocal show” show soberly and ironically, gets a bit sentimental: “The masks made us laugh and cry.” Although that's not entirely true.

It was rather the absurd suggestions of the Rate group composed of Ruth Moschner and Rea Garvey about who could wear the costumes that made us cry, at least internally.

From pop star Leona Lewis to opera singer Rollando Villazón, everyone was there who is absolutely unlikely - and whose voice no one else could hear.

But now Moschner and Garvey find their master in the haphazard

name dropping:

Joko Winterscheidt is there as a guest and is knocking out one curious theory after the other.

A bowling alley can be seen in the flamingo's circumstantial film?

Sure, bowling, that stands for USA and that's where Thomas Hayo lives!

And the dinosaur sings from an umbrella in "Umbrella"?

Then it has to be Tim Mälzer, says Winterscheidt, who has already held his umbrella twice in the rain.

Tim Mälzer is Joko Winterscheidt's personal umbrella bearer?

Okay, that's weird, but you've heard a lot more wilder stuff on this show.

For example, that the costumes reproduce with each other to produce further costumes.

One thing is certain: Winterscheidt is allowed to do everything here.

Totally wrong advice, appear in the "Joko and Klaas against ProSieben" advertising jacket, and show your finger on live television in between.


And why is he allowed to do that?

Because the show urgently needs a bit of anarchy to distract from the fact that it has actually been




who is in the remaining four costumes - and not just because the "Bild" newspaper found it necessary, really to leak all names in advance, but also because the fans of the show did their best on social networks.

If the tips from the Internet are correct, ...

... is the turtle Thomas Anders?

Rea Garvey complains that the hall did not cook when the turtle appeared.

Could that have something to do with the fact that, due to the Corona, only cardboard figures are in the audience for "The Masked Singer" and the applause is therefore canned?

In any case, it couldn't have been because of the turtle: Because Thomas is different.

So yes, Twitter's top tip was true.

"It took a little longer for you," says Anders in the direction of the rate jury.

Yes, to be precise: a full season longer than the audience.

But who does the math?

The first words from Thomas Anders after the unmasking: "2500 degrees." In the mask it was obviously hot

Source: dpa / Willi Weber

... is the flamingo Ross Anthony?

“It's Giovanni Zarrella or it's not Giovanni Zarrella.” Never before has a jury statement - in this case by Rea Garvey - been so accurate.

Then of course it is not Giovanni-Zarrella, also called Ross Anthony.

And why did the flamingo have a Spanish accent?

It had absolutely nothing to do with the breakup (what evidence in this show does that have?), But according to Ross “it was just funny.

We tried many accents, but I knew Spanish best. "

"I've lost a lot of feathers, I'm naked at the back" - memorable words from Ross Anthony as a flamingo in the final

Source: dpa / Willi Weber

... is the leopard Cassandra Steen?


Why did the leopard sit in many shows?

There was so much speculation.

Maybe the celebrity in the costume is blind or has a walking disability?

Or so big that it would have been noticed while standing?

Joko Winterscheidt doesn't care about that, he only hears one person here: “This is Sabine, the cleaner at 'Circus Halligalli'.

We all know that it can be Sabine. ”Or not: Cassandra Steen is hidden in the costume, another point for those who want to join in on social media.

And why did she sit so often now?

Steen explains it directly after the leopard's head has been pulled off: “These heels, I'm no master.

Please let me sit! "

... is the dinosaur Sasha?

He sounds like Sasha.

He sings with two voices like Sasha, who also makes music as Dick Brave.

So Ruth Moschner, who is the dinosaur?

"I now believe that Sasha is an obsession." We now interpret "obsession" simply as an "idea that we all came up with very quickly".

And which now turns out to be correct: Sasha aka the dinosaur has won "The Masked Singer".

Shortly before the end of the broadcast, he thanks the broadcaster, the jury, the costume makers and the viewers.

And secretly also on Twitter - the best rate team of this and all previous seasons.