Is there an effective way to lose weight and get rid of the extra kilograms without the need for a harsh diet that reaches the limit of deprivation of all the foods we love?

How to get rid of the rumen without feeling hungry?

In this report, the American "step to health" website reviews some tips for losing weight without deprivation or hunger, including:

  • Focus on foods that increase feelings of satiety and do not contain large amounts of calories.

    For example, eating an apple is much better than eating a chocolate bar.

    Apples contain much fewer calories and give you a stronger sense of satiety.

  •  Include high-fiber foods in your diet, because these foods take longer to digest, and make us feel full longer.

    Moreover, these foods do not contain a high amount of calories, provide us with vitamins, and improve intestinal transit.

  •  Reducing fat and increasing the amount of protein in the diet;

    Low-fat meats, such as chicken, turkey and some types of fish, help us lose weight without feeling hungry.

  • Consult your doctor, in order to have a healthy and complete diet, it is always advisable to consult a dietitian or doctor.

  • Along with healthy foods, exercise should be done routinely and make it a lifestyle rather than an occasional activity.

  • Step to Health asserts that any balanced diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drink enough water, about 1.5 to 2 liters a day.

  • Behavior change

    Some research has found that changing some habits, behavior, and even the way of thinking will help in managing and controlling weight, by understanding the factors that affect weight gain and control through behavioral psychology techniques to help regain fitness, according to a report published by the Deutsche Welle website. (Deutsche Welle).

    Here are some tips for changing behavior to lose weight:

  • Setting goals and writing a logical plan: Setting your goals will be a great motivation that urges you to follow the diet that you follow or the activities and exercises that you have decided to practice, and it is preferable to put a logical plan to lose weight, for example to lose 4 kilograms within two months, in addition to increasing daily activities.

  • Self-monitoring: Measure your progress. One of the most effective strategies in the field of behavioral psychology for losing weight is measuring your weight and what you eat - known as "self-monitoring".

    It is also included in most weight management programs.

    In doing so, self-monitoring makes you more aware of what you eat and drink, and what is happening to your weight.

    It can also help you avoid overeating unhealthy foods.

    On the other hand, when you crave food, always ask yourself: Are you really hungry or is it just bored?

    In addition, people who succeed in losing - and maintaining it - weight regularly weigh themselves.

    Research shows that doing body weight at least once a week leads to greater success, and one study even suggested that it be done daily, while other studies opposed it for fear that this habit would become satisfactory.

    It leads to eating disorders.

  • Social support: Getting support, encouragement, or even competition with friends, family, or supervised programs is one of the things that creates a sense of accountability, as people who attend weight-loss programs with a friend or family member are more likely to stick with them and lose more weight.

  • The appropriate strategy: It is best to choose a strategy that suits you and comfort you and make it your new "lifestyle" in order to maintain continuity.

    For example, refrain from eating unhealthy junk food and sugars even after you reach your desired weight, in order to maintain your weight and not regain the weight that you have made an effort to lose.